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[Lugh] Bippity-Boppity-Boo by Lugh

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It wasn't obvious until I was part way into the story, but this is a science-fiction version of the classic Cinderella.


What I liked was the playful application of Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistugishable from magic. If you're doing a science-fiction story, why do you need to introduce a fairy godmother? Bip and Bop are more than adequate substitutes (I hope I don't get into trouble with the Fairy Godmothers' Guild for that comment. I believe they have connections with the Fairy Godfathers, and they're scary.... :nuke: )


I will concede that I'm not the most discerning of readers, so I was completely taken by surprise by the arrival of the anatomically correct boy-android body and Sissy's reaction. That had me anticipating the eventual outcome and wondering how it would all sort itself out.


One mystery still remains. Was it one of the droids who threw the slipper? :blink:


Well done, Lugh! A brilliant retelling of the Cinderella story. :2thumbs:

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It wasn't obvious until I was part way into the story, but this is a science-fiction version of the classic Cinderella.


What I liked was the playful application of Clarke's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistugishable from magic. If you're doing a science-fiction story, why do you need to introduce a fairy godmother? Bip and Bop are more than adequate substitutes (I hope I don't get into trouble with the Fairy Godmothers' Guild for that comment. I believe they have connections with the Fairy Godfathers, and they're scary.... :nuke: )


I will concede that I'm not the most discerning of readers, so I was completely taken by surprise by the arrival of the anatomically correct boy-android body and Sissy's reaction. That had me anticipating the eventual outcome and wondering how it would all sort itself out.


One mystery still remains. Was it one of the droids who threw the slipper? :blink:


Well done, Lugh! A brilliant retelling of the Cinderella story. :2thumbs:



Of course it was Bip or Bop that threw the slipper. Cinder had hidden it, Remember? Loved Bip and Bop.


Anyway, a multi-galactic Cinderfella. Who else but Lugh could come up with such a wonderfully original twist on this Faery tale.



Lugh, I really did love this. Bravo.





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There are enough twists of the original story to make it suspenseful. It was one of the first stories I had a look at, and the very beginning, with so much misery and abuse for both Teddy and Cinder/ Sissy made me want to check another one out. But the two droid characters are great and set things as they should be. I enjoyed the sci-fi interpretation which was light and subtle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A fabulous story but then, we didn't expect less from u. :worship:


I relished the presence of the droids. They were cooler than the Godmothers. And i think the animal-lovers would be really happy about this story where rats and pigeons are not transformed into servants. :P


Good job! :2thumbs:



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AAAWWWW thanks guys!


I guess I really should thank all the people who helped me through this one... from listening to the ranting... or reading that one sentence over and over as I changed just one word at a time to make it 'perfect'... or for reading the ending and telling me it sucked... and making me rewrite it the night before it was due.... and well... all those other little tasks that come from things like this...


Salute to you!

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I'm going to use my 100th POST to say how much I liked this story from Lugh.


It's a fun variation on an old story. Lugh reminded me how hard it is to pull that off, so hats off to him on this one!


I always enjoy Lugh's work for its imagery, descriptive style, and imaginative approach. He is truly an unusual writer - and an asset to GA!


Thank you Lugh for another gem.





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