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Loved the story but then I didn't expect anything less from you, you're one of my fave writers from Lit so I'm happy to be here and show my support?


I hope the story gets lighter and really hope that Devin will get rescued soon. Poor, poor Devin!


Can't wait for the other chapters to come out! Really cool! :)

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I've said it before but I'm going to say it again, I'm so glad you're posting a new story because it's been so long since Timber Pack. I've read all your stories so many times I could probably quote them. I'm lovin' your jump into the fantasy sci-fi world.


Just and FYI and I don't know if you can fix it one it's posted but I think you might have a name error in Ch 7. I think that Bastian shoud be Dashel. "There was a flurry of activity behind us, but Martan and Bastian were in a hurry. Dashel grabbed my arm and began a brisk pace down the hallway. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to keep up with him and Martan."


Thank you for sharing your writing talent with us.

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I get the feeling that this entire "incident" is increasingly looking like something that could end up in a war... I was kinda hopping that the "lab" took a plasma packet or twenty.


Bloodthirstyness Aside = Im wondering what if any other changes will happen after the baby is "born"


(i've ... reviewed the very intense intimate scenes several times)

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LOVE It is one of the best chapters in this story... it will be to loong to wait one week for the next chapter... the intrige with the murder and the family complications....sounds like Bastian's mom it's going to be awesome... Wonder how long it's the pregnanci going to be? is it like humans, less or longer? the birth how is it going to be? how will he look like? I bet his hansom .... well just don't make us wait to long...love all your stories...Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Rob =Posted Image of m/m storiesPosted Image

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I really love the story, although I do feel like M-Preg is overused in the sci-fi genre.

I understand why it's used I just think that an author of a gay sci-fi story shouldn't feel as if the story needs a pregnancy to be good.


It seems like the pregnancy is going to be a really important part of the story rather than something random that doesn't contribute to the plot, so I guess the idea is growing on me.


You are an amazing writer and I really am enjoying the story despite the growth of a spontaneous uterus. Posted Image

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love you stories. I have followed on LIT and Nifty ever since I found your stories. I have them over again. I love all the characters. I have to admit that I came to this site to read because the chapters on posted faster than on LIT. But I am hoping to find more wonderful stories from more authors as well. But yours are always my favorite. Please keep writing.

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I keep wanting to see if "aggressive DNA" shows more effects upon (injection) repeated exposure? /blush :P


Devin is definitely bio-forced into the female gender role NOW; but he isn't female, cognitive dissonance? how will that play out?


What if the birth (by whatever means) results in Devons' injury or damage = only 1 child for them?



Bastian is up front about his "chauvinism" but will Devin start to chafe / rebel against it once the "mommy-hormones" lighten up?

How does inter-relationship conflict work amongst the Degan?

How does it apply to this very unique sitch?


Wonder what Callan will look like? How will the announcement of His birth be taken by Human & Degan at large?

Will this result in a kind of race/mixing conflict? IE: the Degans-Evolve vs the Degonist Purity Faction?

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I started reading the first chapter and next thing I knew I was done with chapter nine... I love the way you write! I've read your other work and I wish you would publish them in a book so I could buy the book -or twenty- and make my private collection ;) ... I really love your work, Rob! <3

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Love Robcub32's stories. This one is really good so far. About bastions name: the way Rob described him it almost sounds like his mother watched Beauty and Beast, cause bastion is almost a dead ringer for the beast. don't know if i'm right but it's just a thought. Posted Image

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