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Prompt #303 - First Line

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“How did you get into my room?”

I stared at the rather good looking young man from my position on the carpet and raised an eyebrow at him.

“Bloody hell, you’re soaked.”

He wasn’t much better in that sense, standing in the doorway, coat dripping onto the parquet floor of the hallway, hair dishevelled, looking generally damp and messy. The young man ran his fingers through his hair again and disappeared to hang his coat in a room which smelt and echoed like a bathroom.

“You coming then? You’re gonna leave a wet patch on my carpet!”

I got up, and wandered across into the bathroom, leaving wet marks wherever I put my feet. He was shirtless, belt undone and the top stud of his jeans open. There were wet clothes and a damp towel in the bottom of the bath being dripped on by the coat which hung on the rail. I stood on the bathmat and dripped while he rubbed me down with a big teal fluffy towel. I burrowed out from underneath it to look at him.

“You’re a mess. ‘spect both of us need a decent comb eh?”

I yawned.

“Dinner first?”

I nodded. I followed him through the little flat and into the open plan kitchen. It had been hell getting here through the rain, the sky had opened up like the overflow of a giant’s bath. And then I discovered that the flat was on the first floor, and scrambling up the fence onto the flat swamped roof of the shed was annoying. It had been leaping through the cracked open window which had been painful, and I’d scraped the skin of my ankle coming through. I flopped on the sofa as my young host began to clatter about with pans and ingredients, and after a bit there was the scent of meat and the delicious sound of things frying. I looked him expectantly.

“Yes, it’s steak. You are lucky. If you’d come in yesterday it would’ve been mash and cheap sausages. I treated myself for the weekend.” He scraped the pan a bit and poured in something which smelt like meat juices and fizzed before filing the room with a thick gamey aroma. “You want onion gravy?”


No, I did not.


He ate sitting at the breakfast bar and I ate standing. I had steak and gravy and chewed the cartilage and gristle between my back teeth, and he had his with bright green broccoli florets and a glass of wine.

“I’m Peter, by the way.”

I smiled, and kept on eating.

Afterwards I lay on the sofa, and Peter sat at the far end. Warm, sated and happy, it would have been easy to go to sleep, but Peter took my ankle into his lap and pulled out a little green medical kit from under the coffee table.

“Let’s have a look at that foot. You came in through the window? I wish you’d waited.” Peter began to dab at the scraped skin with an antiseptic wipe which stung and made my grit my teeth. “Mam told me you’d be coming, but she never mentioned you’d be quite so… beautiful.” He wrapped a clean white bandage

I glanced at him, head on one side, pillowed against the corner of the sofa. He stroked the top of my foot with warm fingers. It was pleasant, warm, safe, and I was tired from travelling and breaking in. Peter turned his stereo on low, but it was hard to concentrate on the music, and I drifted as he picked up a book, continuing to stroke my foot and bandaged ankle. I was too comfortable to stay awake, and dozed while Peter read.


He shook me awake very gently. It was dark out, and not the dreary dark of rain, but the black of proper night time, and the wind rattled against the windows, whistling through the tiny gaps around the frame.

“It’s late bud. Bed time, come on.”

I followed him without thinking. Peter brushed his teeth, turned down the quilt on the bed, and left his jeans and socks in a puddle by the side of the bed before climbing in. I waited, blinking, for him to get comfortable, before climbing up, sneaking under the covers and curling into a ball. I wasn’t really awake, and it was easy to fall back into deep sleep.


I woke sometimes in the early hours of the morning, too early to be awake, stretched and rolled over, to find Peter awake and looking at me.


I yawned, but now my jaw didn’t creak. It was colder without fur.

“Your bed is comfy.”

“Thanks.” Peter reached out and stroked the side of my jaw. My hair was completely disarrayed. “You are really beautiful.”


“Mam never told me your name.”


“A werewolf called James? A bit incongruous isn’t it.”

“Sure, ‘cause ‘Peter’ is such a cool name for a Rectory Officer.”

Peter laughed, a tiny chuckle, and blushed when I ran a hand up his arm.

“You’re naked.”

“That happens.”

“You never actually said the words you know.” Peter smiled, his cheeks pink and his eyes sparkling with lust.”

“I was sort of incapacitated.” I pushed closer to him, getting my head on the pillow, pulling him closer to my new body.

“Say it.” Peter’s voice was husky and low and full of tones that made me ache. He closed the distance between us, less than inches between our lips and no space between our bodies. “Say it.”

“Sanctuary.” I smiled, tilting my head to kiss him, feeling the phantom wag of my long-gone tail. “I claim sanctuary.”

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All That Matters


“How did you get into my room?” I asked staring at the man who dared to invade my private sanctuary.  Though there was a part of me who was glad he was there, I wouldn’t let him know that.


I couldn’t.


“I needed to talk to you.”  He was looking me straight in the eye as he spoke.  His gaze was intense, and I almost forgot that he hadn’t answered my question.




“There are these contraptions,” I said crossing my arms in front of me, “I believe they are called phones.  You should learn how to use one.”


“Don’t be like that, DJ.”


“No.” I said shaking my head as I came further into the room.  I forced myself to stop by the dresser, leaving a considerable amount of distance between us.  “See, you don’t get to do that.  You don’t get to come in here, and use that nickname and think I’m just going to fall at your feet.  It doesn’t work that way, Jeremy.”


“You never called either.”


I opened my mouth to counter, but what could I say?  He was right.  I was just as much to blame for the rift as he was.  I certainly hadn’t done anything to repair it. 


Not that I didn’t want to. 


I just didn’t know how.


“What are you doing here, Jeremy?” I asked, hoping my voice sounded as firm as I wanted it to. 


“I told you.  I wanted to talk to you.  I needed to see you, DJ.”


“It’s been six months.  Why now?”


Jeremy was sitting on my bed, holding a book on his lap.  It was only after he set it down that I realized it wasn’t just any book.  It was a photo album.


Our photo album.


“Will you come sit down?” He asked, his eyes locked on mine.  “I’m not going to hurt you.  You know that.”


I closed my eyes momentarily and let out the breath I’d been holding.  I didn’t really want to sit down.  I didn’t want to be close to him at all.


At least that was what I kept telling myself, even as I moved forward and settled down on the bed.  The book of photos was the only thing between us. 


Then why did I feel like we were so far apart?


“Your window was unlocked.”


I looked at him then, studying the expression on his face.  Gone was the smug look he wore before.  He looked tired and worn, and his eyes seemed dimmer somehow.  It was as if the light had been turned off, shrouding him in a cloak of darkness.  It was kind of sad really. 


I had always liked his eyes.


“So what?” I asked focusing my attention straight ahead.  “You took that as an invitation to come right in?” 


I knew I was fighting a losing battle.  There was no way I could remain mad at Jeremy for long.  Especially not when he was sitting this close.  I was going to hold on as long as I could though.  He had to know that I was angry. 


He needed to know that I was hurt.


“DJ, I know you want answers.”


“Don’t you think I deserve them?” I interrupted him.  “Don’t you think I deserve that much?  You just-” I stopped, biting my lip as I tried to gather my thoughts.  They were a volatile mix at the moment.    There was a bit of anger, and a lot of sadness mixed in with the pain I hadn’t allowed myself to admit, and the sheer joy that came with seeing him again.  It was all there, battling for dominance.  And the scary part was I didn’t know which emotion would win.


Jeremy, for his credit didn’t even flinch.  At that moment I wished I could read him.  When we first met his calmness had been part of what attracted me to him.  He had this way of making molehills out of mountains that intrigued me.  It was such the reverse of myself, and exactly what I needed.  Nothing fazed him.


“I just what, DJ?” He asked.  His voice was laced with concern, and it was enough to melt the ice around my heart.  Here I was ready to rage at him, and he was still my calm. 


“I’m scared.” I admitted avoiding his question directly.  I faced him head on, determined not to look away this time.  He had come to talk, and he was right we needed to do that.  No matter how this turned out, this was a conversation we needed to have.


“Of me?”


“No,” I answered vehemently.  I shook my head for emphasis and ran my fingers through my hair.  I couldn’t have him thinking that I was afraid of him.


Upset with him? 




In love with him?


Head over heels.


Scared of him?




“I’m afraid of what will happen if I allow myself to lash out at you.” I admitted finally.  “I want to tell you how happy I am to see you.  I want you to know how excited I am to have you here after so long.  I missed you Jeremy.  I missed talking to you, and touching you and kissing you.” 


I whispered those last words and I was rewarded with a small smile.  It was the first sign of true emotion I had seen out of him and it gave me the courage to continue.


“I missed seeing your smile, and hearing your laugh.  I missed the way you could calm my rage with a simple look and ease my fears with just a sound.  I missed waking up beside you every day, and falling asleep with you every night.  I missed your fingers in my hair as I read the morning paper, and the look of concentration on your face as you tried to solve those Sudoku puzzles you like so much.”




“And I hate it,” I interrupted him again.  “I hate that I feel this way.  That I can’t stop thinking about you.  And that all I want to do is close this distance between us and hold you tight and never let go.  I hate that it’s been six months since you walked out that door and never looked back.  I hate that you’re so fucking calm while I feel like I’m going to have a panic attack.  Does any of this even upset you?”


The silence was maddening.  I have never been a fan of quiet.  It allowed too much time for thinking, which inevitably led to worse possible scenarios.


I wished he would say something.


“I did miss you, DJ.  That’s why I’m here.  I couldn’t stand to be away from you for another minute, and I know I owe you an explanation.  I know I need to tell you exactly what happened six months ago.  I need you to know that I didn’t abandon you, DJ.  Leaving you was not my choice and I came to you as soon as it was humanly possible.”


‘What does that even mean?”  I forced those words out, trying not to choke on the emotion clogging my throat.  Worst case scenarios were my specialty.  His words had me thinking tons of things.  Had he been hurt?  Was he okay?  Did someone kidnap him?    Sometimes I hated my imagination.


I saw a flash of something that looked a lot like pain.  He was hurt, and that was enough to make me stop and take a mental step back. 


He looked tired, and there were dark circles under his eyes.  His usually well-kept hair was disheveled and his shoulders were slumped.  Somehow I had missed those signals when I first laid eyes on him.  I had allowed my feelings to blind me to what was right in front of me.  I had missed something.  Something huge.


I moved the photo album out of the way and scooted closer until our legs touched.  He looked at me, and I smiled, taking one of his hands into mine as I met his gaze head on.


“How did you get into my room?” I voiced the question that had started this.


“I climbed through the window, like you always said I could.”




“Because I don’t care what anyone says or what anyone thinks anymore.  I can’t stay away from you.”


Of all the things I expected him to say, that hadn’t been one of them.  The fear was back in my heart as I placed my arm around him and pulled him closer to me.


He reciprocated easily enough, wrapping me in his embrace where I immediately felt safe and warm.  I had so many questions, but like magic they faded away the moment his fingers touched my skin. 


The crazy thing was that I knew I would get my answers.  I knew Jeremy would explain it to me, and I had no doubt that I would understand.  For now all that mattered was that Jeremy was in my room.  That simple fact meant so much.


 I knew Jeremy would tell me all I needed to know about the last six months, but for now I only cared that he was here. 


Because if Jeremy was in my room, it meant he loved me too.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Remarkable Unremembered Boy

By R.L. Hunter



“How did you get into my room?”


Tom stood in his doorway, waiting for an answer to his question. A figure was sitting in shadow on the swivel chair placed in front of his computer desk. In fact, that entire end of his room was in shadow, and Tom just now realized it and how strange that was, considering he had flipped the switch for the overhead light.


“Do you remember when we met?” The figure asked. He, it was definitely a he, and his voice had a light, musical quality about it. Tom thought he heard birds singing in the background.


“What do you want?” asked Tom. He reached for the door jamb to steady himself. “Who are you?”


A hand with long delicate fingers reached from the shadows to point at the bed. Tom looked to where the finger was pointing to find a beautifully painted wooden bird. The paint was so fine, it almost looked like a real feathered bird.


“Please. Pick it up.”





The rest of my prompt can be found here. I hope you enjoy it.

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  • 1 year later...

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