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Richard's Choice by Sam Fowler

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When I first read this story, I thought it had been inspired by Brokeback Mountain. There are so many obvious parallels. The long term relationship (non-sexual, in this case), the guy who appears to try to convince himself he's straight, the apparent sneaking behind the wife's back.


Then the author floored me by telling me it was essentially non-fiction. It hadn't clicked up until then that the name of the narrator was the same as the author.


Thank you, Sam, for sharing part of your life with us. :hug: I'm so sorry that Richard wasn't able to face who he was so he could have been there with you today. I don't blame him, though, because he was a product of the culture he grew up in. Sometimes cultures force some self-deception on us, just so we can survive. We're not all strong enough to stand against our cultures.

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Shit. I was about to say... I don't know what I was about to say. That was in some ways difficult to read and not because it wasn't good. There was just something about it, an added dimension that made it all the more touching. Then I read Graeme's post and I knew what it was. No wonder it felt so real and so poignant. I almost feel like a cad to say this but someone is bound to point it out... do you realise that sometimes Richard is referred to as XXXXXX?


Fabulous story

Edited by Graeme
Changed name for privacy reasons
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Thank you for pointing that out, and thank you for your kind words about my story.

I changed his name since it is a true story, and I don't want any repercussions from his wife, or family.

I had to write it originally with his real name to get my true feelings into the the story. I thought I'd changed every reference, but apparently I missed it in a couple of places. It was written, and read through a lot of tears.

Graeme has contacted me and hopefully will change it soon.

I'm sorry for the mistake.

I'm glad you liked it!



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Very moving.. and sad.


The constant changing of jobs, to me, is a sign that he was very unhappy on some levels. I think we know why. It's tragic that he made that final choice.


My sincere condolences, Sam.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

The story was very touching and i, too, though about half-way through that this had elements of a true story, however writing back on blue with a sans-serif font made it more difficult to read than it needed to be!!



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  • 9 months later...

Poignant: I have read all the reviews. I am not sure if you are still getting them. In any case, I liked the story. I married "friend", had a lover call his home. His wife knew he's gay. The wife tod the lover her husband was busy. Freind and his wife went to dinner. We they returned their was a message asking him to call his lover; explaining he had called earlier, but friend was busy. Friend called but got no answer. He called several times that night and even the next day, leaving messages. A couple of days later he received a call telling him his (lover) had killed himself the night of the "too busy to come to the phone". Confronting his wife, she admitted she didn't like his lover calling at "their home".



Friend was, in fact, in love with the, now dead, lover. He and his wife had remained married "for the sake of the children". When he shared this with me, the tears and the heartbreak were all too real. Even after seven years, he was still hearbroken. I have lost touch with him. Last I heard he was still married. (that truth is the saddest of all. he lives with a constant reminder that he may have been able to talk his friend out of taking his own life)


God, I hated writting that.

Ah, the old addage; For of all sad words of tongue or pen,

The saddest are these: "It might have been!"


better memories to you.

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