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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Accidents Happen - 13. Chapter 13 - Getting Through the Day

So Charlie has plans for the evening but getting there is half the battle. Charlie is offered a chance to give up dealing with the Literacy Program and Scott. Will he take it?

Chapter 13 – Getting Through the Day

Charlie’s whole day was off. After his meeting with Scott he couldn’t help but think about the fact that he was meeting the man for dinner and that made him nervous. Charlie was used to controlling when he did things, and how, but ever since the accident his routines had been thrown out the window.

The class came in all smiles and they were happy to know their day was going to be interrupted. It wasn’t that they didn’t like Charlie as a teacher, but who would willingly be in class when they could be in an assembly. Another thing made Charlie nervous; he was going to be seeing Scott Reeds at least three more times, after tonight, for this literacy program. He had also made the suggestion of letting the teachers try to find something for the final give away. Just when had he allowed things to spiral so out of control?

Pull your act together, Charlie. You have to get them through the assembly. I wonder what Scott has chosen to read to them and I hope it might appeal to them. Well, that is his problem not mine. After all it is a little late to try to make sure he is on the mark.

The students poured in and quickly took their seats. As usual the students seemed to have their own pipeline and knew nearly as much as the teachers when it came to things happening in the school. The last name had been called for attendance and suddenly a little hand shot up in the air and waved around to get Charlie’s attention.

“Mr. Wagner, we have an assembly today don’t we?” Debbie was again playing ring leader for the class. Evidently there was something she wanted to know.

“Yes, Debbie, we do. And next time, please wait till I call on you before you ask your question. Okay?”

Charlie watched as Debbie’s head nodded yes and then she threw her hand back in the air. I might as well just let her ask whatever it is she wants to know otherwise this will go on all morning.

“Yes, Debbie, what did you want to ask?”

“Is the Mr. Reeds who is doing this assembly the same Mr. Reeds who saved you?”

Charlie paused to look at his class. Tony was sitting biting his lip, while Debbie leaned forward and looked. Maya and Marcus looked like they were ready to pop right out of their seats. The rest of the class looked just as bad. Leave it to the kids to figure that one out. Oh well, not like I could hide it from them.

“Yes, it is the same Mr. Reeds. Now Maya, would you be the class helper today and pass out these packets to everyone?”

“Coming, Mr. Wagner,” said Maya with a smile. Charlie was happy to see she was slowly still coming out of her shell.

“I told you,” began Tony in a whisper to another student at his table.

“I know he is a superhero, remember Mr. Wagner told us,” stated Charlene with a serious look on her young face.

“Uh huh. My mommy took me shopping and he owns a book store,” said Maya as she passed a packet to Charlene.

“Dummy, that is only his cover. All superhero’s have them. Didn’t you ever see Batman?” Stuart commented as he began to laugh at Maya.

Charlie realized he had to step in before things got worse.

“Class, I need you all to listen to me. Everyone. Good. Now Mr. Reeds did save my life. He is a hero, but he is not a superhero. He works like your parents do. He owns a book store and that is where he works. That is why he is going to be doing the assembly we are going to later. Does anyone else have a question that they want to ask?”

Charlie was surprised then to see Maya with her hand up. He expected she would be crying but she looked mad and she was waving her hand while everyone else looked at her.

“Yes, Maya, what is your question?”

“So, Mr. Scott isn’t a superhero like Batman?”

“No, Maya. He is like a police officer, or a fireman. He helped out, but that made him a hero not a superhero. Okay?”

Maya stood smiling and then she turned and stuck her tongue out at Stuart. Stuart just shrugged and went back to looking at his packet. For Charlie, the first major obstacle of his morning was over. Now all he had to do was survive to the end of the day.

The assembly went off without a hitch. Scott had scanned each page of the children’s book into his computer. When the kids had arrived, he had explained how reading opened up doors to other worlds. One of the kids had asked how, and Scott had calmly asked what the student was most interested in. There was a hushed quiet till the student had said he loved firemen. Scott explained there were many books about what firemen did, how they worked, who they saved, and how some people made it their job. He went on to explain that in books you could find unicorns, elves, giants, mysteries, and people just like them.

Scott simply captivated the students. Once they were interested in what he had to say, he began his story. He did all sorts of voices, and used a remote to flash the images and words from the book on a screen. By the end the students were totally captivated. In his thirty minute presentation he made some of the students who just didn’t like to read want a book of their own.

The rest of the day seemed almost anticlimactic. The students were talking about the assembly all day. During his break, Charlie created the flyer which announced the first book Scott would be discounting, as well as times and dates when there would be a story time reader and supplies to help students with their vocabulary. He dropped them off to Marie and asked if she could have them done and given to all the first grade teachers before the end of the school day.

“Anything for you, kiddo. I understand that Mr. Reeds made an impression on Ms. Webb today,” Marie said with a smile.

“You might say that, Marie. I mean if she was any more impressed I might have been teaching a different type of class when my students walked in,” Charlie said shaking his head and blushing.

“I figured. She was telling everyone how handsome Mr. Reeds was, and how upset she was that it wasn’t her turn to work with the incoming project. She hopes the next one brings someone as yummy to her door.”

Charlie looked at the ceiling and just shook his head. At least for the moment Samantha had found a new target. Smiling he headed back to his room only to find Samantha waiting for him.

“There you are, Charlie. I was looking for you.”

Oh lord. What did I do now? What more can she try for today?

“I do hate to be a pain, Charlie.” Samantha looked like she really was in a rush to get away from him.

“No problem, Samantha. What can I do for you?”

“Well, I was wondering if you would mind changing with me.”

“Changing what with you?”

“Well I figured this literacy program is going to require a lot of time. I just feel that someone fresh out of a relationship might enjoy taking the time to go out, meet people. You know, have fun. I mean I wouldn’t mind at all filling in for you and taking over. I understand that there will be a number of meetings at his business, if I heard correctly?”

Charlie smiled. Wow, she really is moving on. I could simply step aside and let her take over. No denying she wants another chance at Scott. If I do that I think he might just hunt me down though. He sure as hell didn’t seem to enjoy her attention this morning. Besides, this project is so like one I proposed when I was a student teacher that I want to see it through.

“I’m sorry, Samantha, but I can’t. I never agree to something and then back out. I promised Mr. Reed I would do this project with him and get the ball rolling.”

Samantha watched him closely. Charlie could almost see the wheels in motion. He knew she would not give up, but before she got going he thought of a way to mollify her.

“However, there is a way you could be a big help, Samantha. Mr. Reeds wants to offer a prize to the student who ends up most improved by the end of the year. I had told him the teachers would come up with something. If you can begin to make some inquiries and then get back to Mr. Reed I am sure he would be most appreciative.”

Samantha paused and looked at him. He could tell she was thinking it over. He also knew she was hoping he would agree outright and swap with her.

“Well,” began Samantha as she considered her options. “I have no problem trying wrangle something special for our students. In fact, it might give me the opportunity to meet many of the different store owners trying to see what they might be willing to donate to help out with the literacy program.”

Yes, I’m sure the student’s are the first thing on your mind. Well, if it gets you out from underfoot it will be worth it. Charlie smiled and said, “Thanks, Samantha. That takes a lot of the responsibility off of me. Let me or Mr. Reed know if you come up with anything.”

Samantha nodded and left the classroom. Well, that is two problems out of the way. Now all I have to do is get through tonight.

The kids came back and before Charlie realized it the final Friday bell was ringing. It seemed to take no time at all for the kids to be loaded on the buses and him to be heading out the door. It was three thirty five when Charlie pulled out of the school parking lot. In less than three hours he was due at Scott’s store, so he headed home to grab a shower and change.

Things never go exactly as planned though. Charlie walked in his door and found he was nervous and didn’t know why. As usual when he was unnerved by something, Charlie decided he was going to cook. Hell he would make some sort of dessert to take with him. Scott said he would feed him so that would be the least he could do.

Checking his stocks Charlie found he had the makings for a peach cake. He grabbed his recipe and began grabbing bowls. Just why did I agree to see Scott tonight? Slicing the peaches into little cubes he wandered over to grab some yogurt out of the refrigerator. I mean I am going to have to see him on the Saturdays we have the literacy program, but tonight was a spur of the moment thing. He grabbed his round cake pans out of the cabinet. It isn’t like I have to go, but I did agree. Damn, my mother would skin me alive if I start backing out things I agree to. Somehow that woman always seems to know when anything is going on our lives. Sometimes I think she even has a hand in setting things up on us.

Charlie didn’t have as much time to think about things as he usually might. The recipe was very simple and suddenly it was all in the oven and cooking. Finding he had nothing else to focus on, Charlie went to his bedroom and pulled out something to wear for tonight. After choosing his outfit he wandered into his bathroom and took a hot shower.

He was out and dressed just as the oven began to beep. He set the cakes out to cool and then Charlie checked his watch. It was only four forty in the afternoon. He wouldn’t even need to leave to get to the store for another hour or so. Realizing he had time yet he walked back into the kitchen and whipped up the topping for the cake. Then he peeled two fresh peaches and set them and the topping in the refrigerator.

He sat down and turned on the radio. He wasn’t in the mood for anything that would put him in a bad mood. He fiddled with the radio till he found the oldies station. It took only a moment for the commercial to end and the first few beats of an old Rod Stewart song to come on. Charlie sat that humming along to the first few beats of the song. Then he began to sing along to Tonight’s the Night.

Stay away from my window

Stay away from my back door too

Disconnect the telephone line

Relax baby and draw that blind

It was one of his father’s favorite songs by Rod. The words were there and he sang along and relaxed. Soon he was singing to the next song and the one after it. Time seemed to stand still, but it wasn’t and Charlie next looked at the clock and it was reading five twenty seven. He stood up and walked over to see how the cakes were. They had cooled so he put them together, frosting them, and topping them with the fresh peaches. He put it in his cake carrier and headed down to his car.

Knowing he still had time, Charlie headed over to Dunkin Donuts and grabbed himself a cup of French Vanilla. I don’t know for sure what the hell is going to happen tonight so I better prepare myself. Charlie was parking his car across the street from the shop at six twenty. He knew he was early, but figured what the hell.

With the cake carrier in one hand and his coffee tightly gripped in the other Charlie made his way to the storefront. He took a deep breath and as he was about to try to figure how to open the door a customer headed out and Charlie took the opportunity to catch it with his foot and slide in.

Julie looked up and spotted Charlie by the door. When she did it took a moment to place him. Then she looked toward the backroom where Scott was standing.

“Oh shit, it is going to be a long night!” Julie exclaimed as all the pieces of the afternoon fell into place for her.

Charlie just looked from her to Scott as he emerged from the stacks. Somehow, after hearing Julie’s comment, he knew this was the exact thing he had thought that morning. His evening was only beginning.





Charlie’s Peach Cake

  • 1 (15 ounce) can sliced peaches, undrained

  • 2 fresh peaches

  • 1 (18.25 ounce) package yellow cake mix

  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 (8 ounce) carton frozen whipped topping, thawed

  • 1 (6 ounce) container peach yogurt


  1. Drain peaches, reserving juice. Add enough water to juice to measure 1-1/4 cups. Cut peaches into 1-in. pieces; set aside. Skin and slice the fresh peaches and set aside.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the cake mix, peach juice mixture, oil and eggs on low speed for 30 seconds. Beat on medium for 2 minutes. Pour into two greased and floured 9-in. round baking pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 28-33 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes before removing to wire racks to cool completely.

  3. In a bowl, combine the whipped topping and yogurt; fold in reserved peaches. Spread topping between layers and over top of cake. Take the fresh peaches and spread them slice by slice around the top of the cake.

Charlie is about to spend some quality time with Scott and his "family" in the next chapter. Hope you want to come back for that. In the meantime comments and happy points are always appreciated.
Copyright © 2011 comicfan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I have a complaint!

wayne, the chapters are getting smaller! <_<

Grr... making us wait? :P and then just tiny chappys? :o why?? why??? why?? *bawls*


Please more... soon!

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On 06/01/2011 08:37 AM, Frostina said:
I have a complaint!

wayne, the chapters are getting smaller! <_<

Grr... making us wait? :P and then just tiny chappys? :o why?? why??? why?? *bawls*


Please more... soon!

Um, they aren't getting smaller. Averages out to about the same there, Frosty. :lol: But I had a lot to rearrange to get the evening right so hope you didn't mind.
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On 06/01/2011 08:40 AM, carringtonrj said:
all nicely handled, i'd say. bubbling along interestingly
Glad you are enjoying it all. :)
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Damn! Things were just starting to simmer nicely, and then you hit the pause button. I will definitely try the peach cake. Thanks.

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On 06/01/2011 11:05 AM, charlieocho said:
Damn! Things were just starting to simmer nicely, and then you hit the pause button. I will definitely try the peach cake. Thanks.
Not so much the pause button. Just wanted you to see Charlie does have an interest in seeing Scott. He could have gotten out of it easily. Just realize that Scott and Charlie are having dinner next chapter.
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Things are starting to heat up. Wonder how things will go when Charlie finds out that Julie is not Scott's daughter? Looking forward to their dinner together, waiting with bated breath for next chapter. :2thumbs:

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On 06/03/2011 08:59 AM, sumjenta said:
This story is good, I like it! :D I'm def reading more of this :) Write more soon! :D


Thank you. Glad you are enjoying it. I am writing more. Trust me. But like most things in life it takes a little while. :)
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On 06/01/2011 01:57 PM, saintsfan820 said:
Things are starting to heat up. Wonder how things will go when Charlie finds out that Julie is not Scott's daughter? Looking forward to their dinner together, waiting with bated breath for next chapter. :2thumbs:
Thanks for hanging in there and commenting as you go. Means the world to me. Yeah, next chapter is all about dinner but it also is told from Scott's point of view. So get ready.
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I can't wait for the next chapter and I get to read it early lol. I love how the story is going :D

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On 06/03/2011 09:25 PM, intune said:
I can't wait for the next chapter and I get to read it early lol. I love how the story is going :D
The joys of being the editor. lol. Well hang in there cause working on it. As soon as it is done it will be in your hands to correct.
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Oh oh It's going to be interesting! Poor Julie lol!


Write more!


But the two Rick are too confusing! I spend some time thinking that they were the same (at the beginning when you show the first one and the other hug Charlie...).

Love the Mum, she is a Momma bear !


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On 06/08/2011 05:10 AM, Elezbed said:
Oh oh It's going to be interesting! Poor Julie lol!


Write more!


But the two Rick are too confusing! I spend some time thinking that they were the same (at the beginning when you show the first one and the other hug Charlie...).

Love the Mum, she is a Momma bear !


Glad you enjoyed it. Rick and Rick Jr. are so different people. You are the first to comment on any confusion. :( Glad you loved Barbara. She is one of my favorites. Hang in there. Working on 13 now. Thanks for reading.
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  • Site Administrator

I think Julie is going to get a bit of a hard time but c'mon, it has to be a compliment that she called Mr. Reeds that. I think that Charlie is in for the hardest time of them all though and is going to be very confused before things begin to clear up. Btw, I loved the little dig man hungry Sam tried to get in. I'd have been insulted if I was Charlie even if he didn't know she was just doing it to get to the hot book store man. Maybe he learned something from Mr. Reed already, handling her so smoothly.


Now, I've finished all the chapters you have I'd fallen behind on. You're not going to keep ME waiting are you? read.gif need more!!



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On 06/09/2011 04:24 AM, Cia said:
I think Julie is going to get a bit of a hard time but c'mon, it has to be a compliment that she called Mr. Reeds that. I think that Charlie is in for the hardest time of them all though and is going to be very confused before things begin to clear up. Btw, I loved the little dig man hungry Sam tried to get in. I'd have been insulted if I was Charlie even if he didn't know she was just doing it to get to the hot book store man. Maybe he learned something from Mr. Reed already, handling her so smoothly.


Now, I've finished all the chapters you have I'd fallen behind on. You're not going to keep ME waiting are you? read.gif need more!!


Thanks for catching up and even more, for commenting Cia. Nice to know what people are actually thinking as they read this. I should have the next chapter up before the week is out. I'm doing pretty good at that. Besides my own personal Charlie keeps begging for more. :lol:
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haha love Julie's comment at the end hehe.

This is going to be an interesting next chapter :)

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On 06/16/2011 12:01 AM, Agaith said:
haha love Julie's comment at the end hehe.

This is going to be an interesting next chapter :)

Well when first you practice to deceive ... Julie naturally lied like hell to Scott. Scott of course plans a bit of pay back.
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Okay, I get that Charlie has a food fedish but want him to have a co-chef in the kitchen--err--make that the bedroom :P I cant wait to see what Scott has planned for Charlie and Julie. She knows she's in big trouble now.

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On 08/12/2011 08:26 AM, K.C. said:
Okay, I get that Charlie has a food fedish but want him to have a co-chef in the kitchen--err--make that the bedroom :P I cant wait to see what Scott has planned for Charlie and Julie. She knows she's in big trouble now.
Charlie is a foodie. He doesn't have a fetish. Geez. Wait and see what is coming. Guesses in my stories never work well. You never know who is going to turn up to alter what you think might happen, by accident of course. :lol:
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Well I bet Charlie is wishing he let Sam take his place now, doesn't he. That would for sure end all connection between the two and you'd have a much less interesting story to tell. :P


I'm most interested in seeing what happens when Charlie learns that Scott is NOT Julie's dad - seems like Great Scott has a twisted streak in him :D

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On 10/15/2011 08:56 AM, Andrew_Q_Gordon said:
Well I bet Charlie is wishing he let Sam take his place now, doesn't he. That would for sure end all connection between the two and you'd have a much less interesting story to tell. :P


I'm most interested in seeing what happens when Charlie learns that Scott is NOT Julie's dad - seems like Great Scott has a twisted streak in him :D

Scott isn't the only one who is twisted. :lol: Glad you are enjoying it so far Andy.
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Great chapter, and at the risk of being vague, I'm rushing to the next one! No complaints, no wording issues, can't wait to see how Scott pulls Julie over the coals!

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On 02/11/2012 01:26 AM, MidnightMan said:
Great chapter, and at the risk of being vague, I'm rushing to the next one! No complaints, no wording issues, can't wait to see how Scott pulls Julie over the coals!
lol. Scott is just so blood thirsty.
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I love how this story just carries you along with all the little details, and SLOW moving romance:P. Not really, just impatient for a kiss or something, but who am I fooling? Charlie does not even know he is gay yet.


On to next chapter!!!

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