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Some may ask

I'm sure many of you know how much I love poetry. But after watching this video this is what came to my mind. I absolutely love slam poetry and the way it expresses ones deepest of pains or desires. I'm not saying this poem above is an epic tale, but it's what my heart spoke from the other side. Hope you liked it.  



Ending the Cycle

I found this somewhere.. I think it's really good. Since I was abused this resonates with me..   "I made this for folks like me, many of whom are still living with shame, guilt, and fear (many of the responses I've received have mentioned similar suicide pacts). I'm aiming to get this out into the public consciousness, because while most facts people know actually come from hearing them in stories, updated information takes decades to filter back into new stories, as most writers cover the sam




This is a giant leep forwards. I think it's excellent, superb, and amazing that an musical artist chose to show the plight in a way for intersex people, children. What an amazing music video. Please check it out and be inspired.    



Let this party start

I feel very adamant about my situation. Yes, I'm a struggling alcoholic, and yes I feel guilty, but this I do know; I'm getting stronger each and every day. I have a support system, a loving partner that yells at me when I fail, but in a good way. She lets me know that I promised not to do so, that it makes her sad when I don't hold onto my promises. But it's getting easier to say no to the bottle, I assure you of this. I feel stronger knowing that while I share my struggle, I become stronger. I



The long road to recovery

While I've done my best to be as transparent as I possibly can with all of you. I can't honestly sit here and say that I haven't been lying to myself, because with every alarm that’s to wake me for the beginning of the day, I proclaim: Today will be the day I don't get alcohol, I swear to God, and by all that is good and Holy, I MEAN IT!   Then as my work day comes to a close.... All I want is that one sip, that luscious taste hitting my tongue. The sweet bitter goo going down my throat, and I



It still get's better..

I’m sure many of you read that this past week my cousin decided to end his own life. As I’ve been struggling with this, crying constantly, and the likes. I’ve found strength that I never knew I had. Over these past twelve months that I’ve been a part of gayauthors, I’m sure you’ve gotten to know me (to some extent) and where I stand on the topic of suicide. On September 27th one of the questions that I posed to our fellow authors/admins/editors, etc, was simple and direct to this fact.   “Give



A place called home

As GA celebrates its tenth anniversary, I thought I'd share some things. Point and blank, unedited, and unprovoked.   When I first came to GA, I came looking for a place to be able to cross-post my stories, to find a wider scope, a bigger audience. As I arrived, I found something very different, and yet very scary at the same time. I had seen GA in passing many times, never looking deeper than the front page; originally I thought it was a site I needed to pay to use and moved on. But once I go



The mood of things

When writing, for me, I find music is the best way to get in the mood. Not a personal mood, but in the mind of my characters. When I'd originally written some of the scenes for Sam's New Life (which currently isn't available at GA) I listened to one song non-stop, on repeat. Chicane - What Am I Doing Here, Pt. 1, it made me feel sad. In the same way that Sam was supposed to feel, I emulated those emotions, pulled from personal experience, and then came the emotional response of Sam. Pain is easi



The Journey of Jacob and Kyle

I for one, am rather happy with the work that I, Frostina, and Andy have been doing. Working together to better the story. With Chapter #5 coming very soon, and me doing the finalized touches, I am very happy. I believe, in my mind, my soul; that this is the best chapter (written wise, flow wise) yet. But that's my perspective, other's can be the judge of that. I'm very excited to share it soon. ~Cheers~



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