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Day 40, Day 41, Day 42



Day 40, April 11th


I finished work on Box 2. Finally.


Day 41, April 13th


I started work on Box 9. It doesn't look as if it'll take as long as Box 2 did. Hopefully.


I gave one of the other grad students a tour of the military exhibit at the society. He's into military history, so I pretty much let him lead the tour. I imagine that something like that will come up when gving tours, running into people who know more about the exhibit(or at least believe they do) than you do. I kept it to an easy discussion and tried to lead him around the exhibit, but John pretty much knew what everything was. It was definitely easier on me to lead someone around who knew what they were looking at.


Day 42, April 14th


I continued working on Box 9. I also watched another tour being given to Cub Scouts. They asked me to think about some hands-on activities that they could try in order to make the kids more into the museum. I was thinking making stone tools could be interestings, or perhaps teaching them how to march while carrying around sticks meant to represent muskets. That could be pretty cool. I know it worked for me back when I was a kid going to history camp for the Delaware Heritage Commission- there was a strong emphasis on hands-on activities.


I'm definitely going to be challenged finding ways to get people interested in history, and coming up with hands-on activies is defnitely key.


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