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September's Signature Feature: The Art Of Being Gay By Cole Matthews



September's Signature Feature is The Art of Being Gay by Cole Matthews. This story came about because Cole was wondering what it was like for middle-aged guys struggling with these questions. He wanted the story to be organic, fresh, and not planned, so he posted each chapter as it was written, using the feedback from readers to influence each chapter.




Length: 83,473


Description: Chad was outed, his life in shambles. His son, Justin, was his only lifeline to happiness.
Roy had enough. His attempts to find love and happiness had failed. He decided to simply live without trying to find a companion in life.


Together, they begin to learn what it really means to be gay.


Flamingo136 says... I've often wondered....just why is it so important to anyone as to what anyone's sexuality has to do with them as a person. Frankly, most people spend very little time having sex...sure we all think about it during our day but really it is not the only thing that defines us...gay or straight or anything in the middle.


It makes me upset that a grown man, Chad, felt that he had to leave his home, family and friends in order to find himself. Shame on those who make it intolerable for Chad, making him feel that he must leave everything in order to find himself and happiness.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now....LOL...eagerly awaiting the next chapter and hoping that we get to ultimately see the butterfly emerge from his cocoon....Great beginning............Mike


LadyDe says... And THAT's why I love cats!!!!! They bring people together. But Carlos said it best "a little lost pussy" Hilarious. Once again you put us on a rollercoaster, with no warning, and let us fly, with awkwardness, angsty nightmares, lost kitty and then yum yum!! Wonderful ending. Tyrell is an excellent friend who really knows his Roy Toy! Excellent chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks, Cole


Headstall says... Roy intrigues me like anyone does who is oblivious to themselves, yet understands what everyone else wants or needs. Sometimes we really are the last ones to know. Kendra's little talk with Roy was illuminating to both him and me. I love getting to know and understand a character as they interact with others...and I really enjoyed what and how you showed us about Roy through Kendra. Maybe I was wrong about the uplifting part...Chad's breakdown at work shows at the least that he is feeling guilt and the pain of separation from his son. His path appears lonely right now...like a broken toy.


Cole Matthews The Art of Being Gay signature.jpg

Remember to check back on Wednesday to see what excerpt Cole Matthews chose to share with readers!

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Recommended Comments

Ah, and yet ANOTHER story I need to read! lol


Hmmm, maybe I can read it all by Wednesday...

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  • Site Administrator

I love this story!  It's one of my favorites by Cole.  Definitely worth the read.  :) 

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Ah, and yet ANOTHER story I need to read! lol


Hmmm, maybe I can read it all by Wednesday...

Do it Lisa!


It was so much fun seeing Cole incorporate feedback from readers. I truly enjoyed reading this one. Bravo, bud!

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I was along for the entire ride, and loved it. I don't know if it was helpful, but I provided a lot of feedback :) . The characters had me from the get go, and yeah, it's my favorite Cole story... and that's saying something....

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I haven't read it yet, but will do soon. I hope I'll complete by Wednesday, so that I know for sure about what Cole was exchanging info on... :)

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I read this when I was still pretty new to GA and shy about leaving reviews.. I loved every bit of it.. A very, very good read.. 

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  • Site Administrator

Definitely worth reading! I enjoyed it when I did so and I hope everyone else does, too.

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I'm only on chapter six!!! I have fourteen more chapters to go! lol


Oh man, what a great story!!!! All I want to do is continue reading, but I have to stop now...it's 12:48 a.m.  :(


What time is the feature later? Maybe I can still make it...   :)

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Read it some time ago, and after seeing it here again started reading.

Love the humour and banter between Roy and his gay friend in Ch. 3 and his interactions with his mom  in ch. 2 :2thumbs:

Well thats how far I came this morning.


For those who have not read it yet, just start reading. It will bring a smile on your face !

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