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Back To The Grind



Hello Everyone,


First I want to apologize for my long absence. As I have said in man posts and conversations these last few years I have, in addition to working full time, have been taking care of an elderly, sick, relative. This relative passed away in February. Since then I have been assisting my mother and aunt in getting her final affairs settled.


Despite the sadness of m relatives passing my life has reached a period of calm and I am happy to say that I have started writing again, slowly but surely.


I plan to focus on Indiana Summer until the story is complete, then Max and Josh, and while I do not yet have a firm date as to when I will have a new chapter out to you it is my goal to have one within the next month.


I want to encourage you all to please go and mark the Indiana Summer Discussion thread for updates as I will be making posts there concerning the story and my progress in writing.


best wishes,

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