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Any updates on the shack?

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Most definitely. I just spoke to someone this morning, who is truly being EXTREMELY helpful in getting the message board fixed as quickly and efficiently as possible. I was hoping that it would be done by now, but I want things set up right, security in place, and hopefully some answers given as to what caused this. That takes time. I wish I had more time online to handle things more aggressively, but for now I am doing all I can to help in resolving the matter at hand, and when it's all done, I hope we'll be rid of this situation for good. Kewl?


ps- As for the seemingly obvious conclusion that Phelps and his horde of homophobic terrorists are responsible for this...there is evidence that suggests that this is not true. Thanks to some online friends and people who have also been affected by this, we are working to find out who is really behind it. Answers are coming. For now, the big concern is geting everything working again.

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I too, hope the Shack MB gets up soon....this cafe is nice, but I'm not as comfortable with the format as I am with the other one. Old dogs...New tricks...if y'all know what I mean. Best of luck, Comet.

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