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The Life of a Capsuleer: An EVE Online Story - 5. The Four Empires

The Four Empires


New Eden is made up of four empires. The religious-based empire of the Amarr, the corporatocracy of the Caldari, the only real democracy the Gallente, and the tribal society of the Minmatar. Years of deep-seated hatred, mistrust, and skepticism made the four empires both enemies and allies. Other groups, besides the big four, resided in New Eden like the mysterious and dangerous Jove Empire and the newly discovered Drifters. Each of these significant groups had their agendas, and disagreements ran among them.

However, for every corporation, and empire, one major flaw they all had. Greed for power, status, and property. Marcus knew this, and over the past five years had played certain corporations, against each other, with the tech and data he salvaged from the Wormhole. It was a dangerous game, he played, and one that could have him killed without a chance for rebirth.

Now with the new Jovian implant installed into his clone, he felt that he was becoming what some in the Empire’s leadership cast had felt about Capsuleers… a Demigod. The tech in the implant was self-replicating, and when his spirit was transferred to his new clone, so would the Jovian Bio-Tech Implant. His new implant served to bridge his in pod, and out of pod life with a new unique function. He now had the ability to remote access, any ship in his fleet, and bolsters its operational capacity for combat operations. In addition to this, he could access any computer network, when not in his pod, and skills were faster in downloading to his brain. About five times faster than an Omega Level clone.

It has been two weeks since the relocation to Dodixie, and Marcus was looking at the recruitment ads, in his and Evan’s bunk. “Why are you trying to sneak up on me, Evan?”

“How did you know I was here?”

“Well, I heard you come in, while I was in the refresher, and I can see you in the reflection on the viewport.”

Evan walked over and hugged his lover and kissed him on the cheek. “You missed breakfast again. I was hoping to spend some time with you before I had to go back to the war front.”

Marcus sighed a little, and leaned into his fiancé, “I know, babe. But, I had that meeting with the recruiter for Salvager53 this morning, and have not only myself to take care of, but twenty-five other people, and their families. You’re still leaving at 14:00 station time?”

“I am as of right now,” Evan answered while retrieving a datapad. His fingers flew across the touch-sensitive screen selecting options, and status updates. “Transport is prepped for me to fly back with a military fleet, and flight control is reporting all clear.”

“Good. I get so worried about you. Are you going as Militia, or…?” Marcus let the open question hang in the air.

“Militia, this time.”

“Any updates on the files, and how fucked I might be?”

“Nothing that has been shared with me… I wish I had more to pass on to you.”

“Thanks anyway, babe. Did you get that skill package, you talked about?”

“Yes,” Evan replied with a hint of reservation in his voice. “A copy of the hand-to-hand, marksmanship, and survival training that all basic recruits to the Federation Special Forces undergo will be delivered sometime today. When that is, I do not know.”

Marcus leaned in and kissed Evan on the lips, “Thanks, babe. I want to be able to take care of myself. Just in case, you know.”

Evan nodded, “I know, hun. I want you to be safe too.” He kissed Marcus again and stood up. Evan walked over to the closet and started to get his go bag ready. “I love you,” he said out of nowhere.

“I love you too, Evan,” Marcus said, as he walked over behind his fiancé, and hugged him from behind. He then proceeded to help Evan pack his bag, before he stripped Evan naked, and tossed him on the couch.

They wouldn’t make it to lunch together either.


Marcus stood looking out the viewport at the magnificent view of the moon, and the gas giant it orbited. He held in his hand, the skill injectors that Evan had gotten him; they had been delivered to the room shortly after Evan had left the station. He walked over to the desk in the quarters and activated the communication system. He didn’t wait long before his Ship’s Doctor responded.

“Doctor Stevenson, here. What’s up, Captain?” Doc Stevenson asked, in his ordinarily cheerful way. The view screen showed his bright smile, with equally bright eyes, in crystal clarity. Marcus was happy that Doc decided to stay.

“Heya, Doc. The skill injectors came, and I’m about to use them. Wanted you to know, in the case for some reason, I go offline longer than expected,” Marcus said into the comm-unit. His worried look showed plainly on his face.

“Thanks for the heads-up, Cap. With that new implant you have, it shouldn’t be an issue. I think you’d be done with the installs before dinner. However, I’ll come by tomorrow morning to give you a once over. So, no fretting, that’s Doctor’s orders,” Doc said, giving Marcus a huge infectious smile.

“Thanks, Doc,” Marcus responded, before turning off the comm-unit. He sat down at the desk and pulled out the portable A.I. unit that housed Aura. With a few quick connections, to the desk’s computer interface, and a direct cable connection to his top neural plug-port, Marcus had Aura online in no time.

“Aura, you should be online now,” he said.

“I am Captain. Thank you for the downtime, I needed it to do some self-maintenance. I take it you have the skill injectors?” Aura asked in her slightly British sounding voice, and in his head.

“I do Aura. I’m sticking them into the upload slots now. Please inject them all to level 1, just for right now, and I’ll set up the training queue once that is done.”

“Will do Captain. I must ask one thing, though. You have more than three skill injectors in the upload queue. Do you want all of these?”

“I do Aura. I trust Evan to get me what he thinks, I need. Special forces level hand-to-hand, marksmanship, and survivalist training, but the others I’ll need as well. Learning ground combat, from those Federation Marine units, will be a big boon for me.”

“As you wish Captain. You’ll be more skilled in combat, than any other capsuleer flying. But I detect additional Science skills as well.”

“Yes, Aura. I’m trying to diversify my skill set.”

“If I may, Captain. It seems you are becoming obsessed with Jovian and Sleeper technology. I hope you have an endpoint in mind if you pursue this course of action.”

“Thanks for your concern, but I do have my reasons why I need to study this. There are a few plans I downloaded from the Wormhole site, but I don’t fully understand them yet. I need these science skills to read them fully, and can estimate their value,” Marcus replied to her. He smiled, despite Aura not being able to see it. “Don’t worry Aura, you’re still smarter than me, and you’re indispensable. There’s no replacing you.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

Marcus sat back and had Aura initiate the skill injectors’ transfer program. Over the course of the afternoon all the newly acquired skills, settled into his mind. A few painkillers later, Marcus set the training queue of his neural interface, to take his skills from level 1 proficiency, to level 3 or 4 on most of them. With skills injections, the level of knowledge was ranged as ranks, from level 1 being proficient to level 5 which was skill mastery. Most Capsuleers and Ground Pounder Clones, would train to level 3 or 4 in their chosen skills, and specialize in one, or two areas. Typically Capsuleers would all train in combat operations for their ship type selected, and the weapon systems for that class of ship, and then perhaps in secondary trade, such as mining, or industrial applications.

Marcus had decided long ago, that he would train in Gallente Cruisers, and below. With that, he trained in Hybrid Weaponry and Drones, and further specialized in Mining and Salvaging for the Corporation he was initially in. Since then, and that fateful day in Wormhole Space, he’s branched out in what skills and knowledge he needed. He now held degrees in some professional fields, in various stages of Mastery.

With Aura still plugged into, the station’s network and plugged into his top port, Marcus sent several heavily encrypted messages to his corporate contacts.


“So, what do you think of the offer?” The CreoDron representative asked Marcus. He had set up this meeting six months ago and finally sat in a station on the ass end of Gallente Space, looking over an offer that he was about to refuse.

“Well, it’s not what I expected, and Roden Shipyards is offering 30% more and royalties of all sales.” Marcus countered.

The rep nodded his head, “We can match that, and add another 10%.”

“Then we have a deal,” Marcus replied. He picked up his cup of coffee, real coffee, and inhaled the aroma before he finally finished it off. “It’s been a good and productive meeting, but I have got to get back to HQ. Standard payment arrangements, half now, and the remainder when I transfer the original blueprint copy to you.”

“Agreed, Captain Rintel. Though I do have one question?”


“I noticed that you’re in an exosuit, of a type I’ve not seen before, and you’re carrying a flaylock pistol. Is something wrong?” The CreoDron Rep sat back, and sipped on some Amarrian Tea, looking over the cup’s rim looking at Marcus.

“If that is a hint towards where the origin of the suit came from, then yes, it’s Jovian. But, no… I am not in any trouble. Though, when you’re married to a Vice Commander in the Gallente Federation Militia, you start looking over your shoulder more,” Marcus replied, with a smile, and no hint of confrontation. “If you will excuse me, I need to go.”

After finalizing the transaction, Marcus made his way to the hanger deck for the station. The tech crews were top notch, as they got him into his capsule and locked into his pod in less than twenty minutes. “Aura, plot a course to Dodixie, at best possible speed. Then activate autopilot.”

“Sir, we’re still in a LowSec system. Autopilot is not recommended,” Aura intoned into his mind.

“I know, but it’s just us and the shuttle isn’t a common target. Besides, I have some business to take care of.”

“Yes, Captain. The course is plotted, and Auto Pilot engaged.”


Evan sat in a Black Eagles office on the homeworld of the Gallente Federation, Caille. It was a medium size office, well appointed, with plaques and certificates hung along the walls. Real wood furniture, of some of the finest brands in the federation, sat in a pattern that had the intent to intimidate. He had lied to Marcus about where he was heading, but then again, he lied to him a lot. The office of the Black Eagles was located several stories underground, and while the populace of the planet was completely unaware of their location, the Eagles had tabs and contacts on various dissidents on the planet’s surface. Keeping the masses in check was only the second function of this black ops intelligence organization. Evan stood and saluted as his superior officer entered.

“As you were, Vice Commander,” the Major General said. The tall man, powerfully built, and non-clone was dressed smartly in his Military Uniform. Every button shined, and his boots looked like you could eat off them. He moved to the other side of the desk, across from Evan. “Have you found where your husband keeps his Jovian Tech yet?”

“Not yet. I have suspicions, but he’s been a tight lip on it,” Evan reported. His tone, and face a mask of calm, but inside he was nervous as hell. “He doesn’t suspect I’m looking for it. I know he’s meeting with some CreoDron and Roden Shipyards reps about selling a new piece. It took me forever to decipher his encryption.”

The Major General looked Evan over and proceeded to type on his datapad. “Your husband seems to be very resourceful. Have you approached him about working with us?”

“I’ve dropped hints, Sir. But, I feel he would rather be spaced before, he joined any Military organization. He loves his independence.” A small lump formed in his gut, and he wondered what was about to happen.

“We need that Tech, Vice Commander. Every indication shows your husband found a ton of stuff never seen before. Add on to that, we have reports that he now has two self-replicating clone implants of Jovian design. One we know is his new Exosuit, the other we don’t know what its full capabilities are,” the Major General stated, and then paused to look Evan in the eyes. “You are becoming a disappointment, and a liability.”

Evan felt the verbal punch in his gut and struggled not to show his fear. “I will find where his cache is, and it will be ours. He’s due home tomorrow, or the day after, I’ll find out then.”

“I hope so,” the Major General paused. “This is your last chance. Failure is unacceptable. You’re dismissed.”

Evan stood up, saluted the Major General, and quickly left the room.


Three other such meetings played out in the days that followed in the Amarr, Caldari, and Minmatar empires. Corporate Espionage was a fact of life in New Eden, and with new Jovian Tech coming to market in the Gallente Federation, the other three empires had put their intelligence organizations onto the trail of the new tech. After years of investigation, they all tracked down Marcus, but none had found where he kept his cache of purloined Jovian Tech.

It had started to piss people off.

Every day, new traders came and went from Dodixie, and the three empires had moved in assets to watch and listen to Marcus.


Marcus woke up in the arms of Evan. He was happy his husband was back from the Caldari-Gallente war front and smiled as he looked at Evan, who still slept. He snuggled in closer, and lightly kissed Evan’s cheek. Evan stirred awake and sleepily looked at Marcus.

“Morning babe,” Marcus said kissing Evan on the lips this time.

“Morning, darling. I love you,” Evan smiled at Marcus, with a sleepy, sad look to his face. “It was late last night when I got in, but we need to talk, seriously.”

Marcus sat up in bed and looked at his husband with a puzzled face. “We’re not even out of bed, yet. Can it wait?”

Evan shook his head no and sat up as well. He leaned against the wall, and viewport behind the bed. “It can’t, and it’s going to change us.”

“You’re scaring me, Evan. Are we in danger?”

Evan swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and nodded his head yes.

“Alright, tell me… we’ll go from there.”

Evan coughed, to clear his throat, “Well, the Black Eagles have learned you are being investigated, because of your dealings with CreoDron and Roden Shipyards, among others. They’ve found out that you’ve been selling Jovian Tech, some never seen before, and… well… I’ve been tasked to bring you into the Service, or find the location of where you keep your stash. If not, then… I’ve failed, and failure is not tolerated.”

Marcus sat stunned looking at Evan. Several emotions played across his face, as he digested what his husband just told him. He stood up, and walked naked across the studio-style quarters, and sat on the couch. “I’ve been waiting for this. Not, exactly this, but when it would catch up with me. So, I join the Black Eagles or give you the location of the cache, or I lose my husband? Those are my choices.” He held his head in his hands, as he thought about the situation.

“I didn’t want this to happen. I love you and have since we met on Couster. Us getting married, was all me,” Evan said as he moved to sit next to Marcus on the couch. He pulled his husband into an embrace, and on his lap. “There’s a bit more… I was informed as I docked, that Amarrian spies were spotted in the system. One was captured and interrogated, and you are the target. We can assume that the Caldari and Minmatar have spies here as well.”

“Fuck me… What do I do Evan? Tell me…” Marcus pleaded. The stress was seen across his face. “If it were just me, I’d join the Black Eagles in a heartbeat. Gods know I can, and will defend myself, but I have 25 families… families… I have to look out for. I’ve uprooted them, dragged them to Dodixie, and now… I’ve put them all in danger.”

“We can take care of them, that I promise you. Join the Black Eagles, and give them what you have left of the Jovian Tech you found, and we’ll take care of everything else. That’s what I would do,” Evan said in a soothing voice and kissed his husband on the lips.

Marcus sat in silence in Evan’s lap; his legs stretched across the couch. He held onto his husband, soaked in his strength as he thought about his options. It took him twenty minutes, but Marcus made up his mind. “Alright, I’ll do it.”



o7 Fly Safe

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Chapter Comments

1 hour ago, mogwhy said:

tell me you are writing more. 0:)

Thanks for reading Moggie... Yes, at least one more chapter. More likely two.

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3 minutes ago, BlindAmbition said:

So will Marcus be joining the Black Eagles... Dun Dun Dun!

That's a very valid inquiry. Stay tune for the next chapter!!! lol


Thanks for reading, jp. I'm glad you read it.

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