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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Unforgivable - 13. Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Corey tried not to be disappointed. He shouldn’t want Jason to kiss him, but when they were lying in the snow that was exactly what he’d hoped. When Jason had been hovering over him, pinning him to the ground, he could have sworn, despite their thick coats, that he felt the man’s hardon pressing against his stomach. It took a great deal of effort not to continue to buck up against the muscular body and seek friction against his own hard cock. Cursing his stupidity, he pulled off his gloves and jacket, hanging them to dry.

From the look of the snow still coming down, he might end up needing to spend another night. Groaning inwardly, he glanced sideways at his friend, unsure how he was going to handle the continued proximity. Even with his hair standing on end after removing his hat, Jason was gorgeous. He’d always been attracted to the big blonde, but age had only improved his good looks. The fact he’d matured into such a good and kind man only added to his appeal.

Since the pool party, Corey had started to wonder more and more if Jason was, in fact, attracted to him as well. Liam, his assistant, had even asked if they were dating, and seemed genuinely surprised they were still only friends. The young man claimed he felt a ‘vibe’ from them. The fact that other people thought they were together was making it more difficult to deny his growing feelings for his friend. Then Jason had to kiss him… granted, it was on the top of the head, but the gesture made Corey’s chest ache. He’d had to pull away from the man before he did something rash.

“Hot chocolate?” Jason asked, drawing Corey from his thoughts.

“Sure,” Corey answered with a smile. “I’d love some.”

As Jason predicted, the storm continued to rage outside, but they were warm and cozy indoors. Both men were voracious readers and Jason owned a large collection of books, so there was plenty of reading material to keep them occupied. Corey had just started the Hobbit when the lamp flickered beside him.

“Shit,” Jason said, looking up. “I hope the power doesn’t quit on us.”

Corey opened his mouth to agree when the lights flickered again before finally going out. “I guess that answers that,” he said with a chuckle.

“I’d better find the candles.” Jason walked carefully through the dark house. Although it wasn’t quite six o’clock, it was already twilight. “Shit.” A muttered curse came from the kitchen.

“Are you all right?” Corey called.

“Yeah,” Jason yelled back. “I just stubbed my toe on a chair leg.” Corey winced, knowing how painful that could be. Soon warm candlelight illuminated the quickly darkening room. “I also grabbed the radio.” Jason held up the small, black device. “I thought we could find out what they’re saying about the storm.”

It only took a few minutes for them to discover the heavy snow had cut power in most of the city, and police were urging drivers to stay off the roads. Several accidents, ranging from single cars in ditches, to a multi-vehicle accident on the 401 highway had already been reported.

“Damn. I’m glad you came home when you did,” Jason said quietly as he turned off the radio. Corey silently agreed.

Although they weren’t able to cook, Jason had a well-stocked fridge and pantry, so they weren’t going to starve. He and Corey worked together to prepare a meal of crackers, vegetables, cheese and cold meats. By mutual, unspoken agreement, both men sat on the carpeted floor and nibbled on their repast as they talked. Corey couldn’t keep his eyes off of his friend as he told a story about a ski trip he took in University. Corey knew he was staring, but the man was stunning when his face lit up with laughter.

“He went down the hill like a turtle on its back,” Jason gasped, wiping tears from his eyes. “We tried to tell him he couldn’t handle that run, but he wouldn’t listen.”

“Some people do need to learn things the hard way,” Corey agreed, chuckling as he tried to imagine the scene.

Jason’s expression turned thoughtful, and a little sad. “Yeah sometimes they do.”

“So.” Corey leaned back against the couch, full from their feast. “When are you heading home for Christmas? Your mom must be excited to have everyone home.”

“Oh… umm.” Jason cleared his throat. “I might not be able to make it back this year.”

Corey noticed the odd hesitancy in Jason’s voice, but wasn’t sure what to make of it. “Oh?” he said, cocking his head sideways. “Still busy at work?”

“Yeah,” the handsome blonde answered with a smile. “It’s always busy.” Jason turned his bright blue gaze on him, looking nervous. “Maybe…” He cleared his throat. “Maybe if I’m in town, we can get together on Christmas day, so we won’t be on our own for the holiday?”

“Really?” Corey grinned. He was happier than he probably should be about the possibility. Although he would never admit it to anyone, the holidays were difficult for him. “That would be great. I make a mean turkey dinner.”

Jason’s smile was bright in the dim lighting. “Then it’s a date.” Corey could swear he saw a blush darken his friend’s cheeks, but in the candlelight it was difficult to be sure.

As the evening wore on, the candles burned low, and the temperature outside had dropped. The snow, which continued to fall, made it difficult to see a few feet past the window. There was going to be a mountain to dig out of in the morning. Hours had passed and the power still hadn’t returned. They couldn’t see their breath yet, but the house was significantly cooler. Jason left with one of the candles, telling Corey he was going to find more ‘supplies.’ When he returned, he was carrying a large comforter and a couple of pillows under his arm.

“I thought we might be more comfortable with a duvet. It’s getting damned cold in here.”

“We’re having a sleepover?” Corey teased, as he reached for the pillows.

“It looks that way doesn’t it?” Jason said with a laugh. “I remember when you and Drew used to camp out in our livingroom in public school.”

“If I remember correctly, you joined us in those forts a few times.”

“Only when mom bought you guys the good snacks.”

Corey chuckled. “Those M&Ms never did last when you were around.”

Jason sighed as he covered Corey’s legs with the blanket. “I wish I could go back to those days. Everything was so much simpler.”

Corey snorted and rolled his eyes. “Please… you’d miss sex too much if you were ever relegated back to childhood.”

Jason’s blue-eyed gaze met his, and Corey was surprised to see the hurt marring their clarity. “I’d hoped you thought of me as more than a sex-addict by now, Cor.”

“Jase.” Corey scooted closer, reaching for his friend’s hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It was a joke. Any grown man with a healthy sexual appetite would feel the same way.” He looked away and mumbled. “Although, it’s not like I’ve gotten any in months.”

He head snapped back around when he heard Jason’s responding, “It’s been about a year for me.”

“Seriously?” he asked, stunned. He knew Jason hadn’t been dating, but had no idea it had been so long. The Jason he’d known would never have been celibate for so long.

“Seriously.” Jason’s lips turned up in a wry smile. “I got tired of the hook-ups, the games. I want something... more.”

Corey stared at the handsome blonde. The warm candlelight made his hair glow like spun gold. He was breathtaking. Corey knew he wouldn’t be able to keep fighting this attraction… not if they were going to continue to spend so much time together. He’d wanted Jason since he was 14 years old, and frequently wondered why he continued to resist it. Maybe it was time for a leap of faith? Without giving himself the chance to second guess his decision, he closed the distance between them. Jason’s eyes widened in surprise before their lips touched.

Corey couldn’t stop his moan as he felt Jason’s mouth slide against his for the first time. The kiss was soft and tentative. His heart thumped wildly as he cupped Jason’s jaw, feeling the stubble under his hand. The touch seemed to draw Jason out of the daze he was in. Strong hands tilted Corey’s head back as the larger man deepened the kiss. A rough sound from Jason, a cross between a whine and a growl, made Corey’s body thrum with anticipation and need.

Somehow the blanket disappeared, and Corey found himself on his back, with a hard body pinning him against the soft cushions of the couch. Hands explored anywhere they could reach, and their kisses became more frantic as their bodies moved against each other. Corey’s cock was so hard it was leaking in his borrowed pants. He hadn’t been this turned on in a long time. “Jase,” he groaned as Jason kissed and nipped his way from his jaw to his throat.

The bigger man raised his head to look into Corey’s eyes. The affection Corey saw there took his breath away. God, he wanted this man. “Cor,” Jason whispered. Before their lips could meet again the lights came back on, causing both men to blink against the sudden brightness.

Jason looked around the room as if trying to remember where he was. Corey reached up, stroking his fingers over Jason’s cheek, reclaiming his attention. The panting blonde took a deep breath and gave him a strained smile. “I think we should turn in for the night. I made up the spare room for you.” Before Corey could object, Jason leaned in and kissed him softly. “As incredible as this has been…,” he whispered, pecking another kiss onto Corey’s lips. “I don’t think either of us is ready to take this much further tonight.”

Corey stared up at the handsome man, silently cursing his good sense. Although his body strongly disagreed, he knew Jason was right. They needed to take this slow. He didn’t want to screw up and lose his friend.

“Okay,” he said with a smile, unable to resist running his fingers through Jason’s hair. “You’re right. We should get some sleep so we have the energy to dig ourselves out tomorrow."

Jason helped Corey to his feet and walked him to the spare bedroom. Standing outside the door, he stared down at the brunette with a look of wonder on his face. Leaning in, the bigger man kissed him again. “Goodnight, Cor,” he said softly, before pulling away and walking quickly to his own room. Corey’s gaze lowered to Jason’s ass, and he was tempted to forget about taking things slow, but knew he had to be patient. With a sigh he turned, closing the door behind him.


The next day, after a hearty breakfast, and shy touches, they dug out their cars before heading to Corey’s to shovel his driveway. Both men had responsibilities to attend to at their offices, so with a lingering kiss goodbye and a promise to see each other later, the two men parted. With the city still digging itself out of the snow, Corey wanted to reschedule his patients, but first he needed to shower and change into his own clothes.

Touching his lips again, he could still feel Jason’s lips against his own. Although he was terrified of the risk in giving his heart to Jason, he was also excited to explore this new side of their relationship. They already they spent all their time together, so their day-to-day lives wouldn’t change much, except now he could touch the object of his fantasies. They’d both acknowledged there were issues they still needed to discuss… Corey’s trust issues being only one. Jason still had no clue as to the depth of his father’s deceit.

The phone rang, startling him out of his musings. Thinking it was Jason, he picked up his cell, ready to tease the man about missing him already, and was surprised to see a familiar number on the screen.

“Mom?” he said, concern making his voice sharp. “What’s wrong?” He could hear the sniffles across the line. “Are you okay? Talk to me.”

“He got her pregnant.” The whisper was so soft he could barely hear her.

“Who’s pregnant?” Corey’s heart thumped in his chest. He’d never heard his mother sound so upset, so hurt… even after all the times she’d discovered her husband cheating.

“Your father… he got his new secretary pregnant.” Another sniffle, and a shuddering breath nearly broke Corey’s heart. “She showed up at our house and threw the pregnancy test at him.” She sobbed for a few seconds before taking another deep breath.

“Where are you?” Corey went to his dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans, ready to drive hours to get to her if necessary.

“I’m at the Holiday Inn on Monaghan. I wouldn’t… I couldn’t stay there.”

“That’s good. I can be there in a few hours.”

“No,” she said taking another deep breath, clearly trying to hold herself together. “I’ve already called your aunt Donna. She said I can stay with her as long as I need to, so I’m driving there in the morning. I wanted to go today, but she doesn’t want me driving right now.”

Corey nodded, even knowing she couldn’t see him. “Good. She’s right. What about your things?”

“I packed up as much as I could in two suitcases. I’ll arrange to get the rest of them when I figure out where I’m going to go. I don’t want anything else from him….”

“Mom…,” Corey chided gently. “You helped pay for almost everything in that house.”

“Then he can sell it all, and I’ll take my portion in the settlement. All I want are my personal things and my grandmother’s china.”

“Okay, Mom… we can discuss that later. What about work?” Corey’s aunt lived several hours north, so there was no way his mother would be able to commute.

“I called my boss and told him I needed some time off. He was pretty understanding. We were closing for the holidays next week anyways.” His mother paused. “I’ll have to do some thinking. I don’t know if I can stay here… in this town.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Where everyone knows.”

“Tell you what,” Corey said, sitting heavily on his bed. “It’s Friday tomorrow. I’m going to cancel the rest of the week’s appointments and join you at Aunt Donna’s.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Although she was giving him an out, Corey could hear the hope in her voice.

“I want to,” Corey said, trying to put a smile into his voice. “I haven’t been up there in years. I’d love to see her and Uncle Peter. Maybe we can actually spend Christmas together this year.”

There was another muffled sob, and Corey knew his mother was struggling to keep herself from falling apart. “I’d love that.”

“Get some rest. You have a long drive ahead of you.”

“All right,” the woman said, sounding exhausted. “I’ll let you know when I get there.”

“I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Corey.”

Corey ended the call and squeezed his eyes shut, feeling a few tears escape. Although he was upset for his mother, he was also relieved. She’d finally left the bastard… years too late, but it was finally done. He could only hope that now that she was out, she would never go back to that cheating bastard.

The phone buzzed in his hand. He sighed when he saw the message on the screen.

Miss you already.

Thank you to my amazing and supportive friend and editor, Gary :glomp:  and thank you to all of your who read and support this story.  
Copyright © 2016 LitLover; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments



Great chapter! Jason again shows Cory he's not the same sex driven guy who cheated on Pierre all those years ago. That was monumental self control. :P


I guess Cory and Jason won't be spending their Christmas together. Will Jason head home to visit his parents instead? I wonder what could happen with the two of them apart... Zach and Cory's father... Hmmm....

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LOL Once again, you tease us! Very grown-up of Jason to say not now. At least they both now what they want. Although, Christmas plans might have to be tweaked a little. I wonder what Jason's parents would think about that?

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You have lighted the fuse. Now all I can hope is that the kiss you started doesn't fizzle out. It was certainly getting hot enough to melt the snow outside. Great chapter again, as you have begun to cement Corey and Jason's relationship together with good experiences, cursed good sense and a shared need for the best thing between them. Now if only life can stop getting in the way...

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Wow obviously a huge step forward for Jason and Corey. This chapter answered my question about how Corey was feeling about it all. His feelings for Jason were developing just as powerfully. The kiss and the conversation were equally important. The kiss for obvious reasons and the conversation for demonstrating to Corey how Jason has evolved as he's gotten older.


I think it's becoming pretty clear that they'd do well together in a relationship. More importantly, they recognize the unresolved issues, so they're not blind to potential pitfalls. They also seem to be chipping away at these conversations they need to have. They're not doing it all at once, but they are talking about it.


I'm wondering though if this situation with his parents, and the renewed pain his father's cheating is bringing into the family is going to cause Corey to pull away a little bit. A lot of his hostility toward Jason is informed by what his father has done. Will he decide that Jason is cut from the same cloth after all?

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Amazing what being snowbound can lead to. The control Jason exhibited should help with Corey's trust issue. And then they were set to spend Chirstmas together until ... Corey's dad is still managing to screw up his life. Feel for his mum but now maybe she can create a better place for herself.
Superb chapter

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That was such a good lead up to the kiss. They are soo good together. Jason slowing things down when this is all he wants, shows just how serious he is.. I hope Corey remembers that and all the other little things he's noticed, because I sense he might pull away and decide it's not worth the risk to his heart..
What's happening with his Dad cheating again, comes at a bad time. Just as he's turning the corner with Jason. I wonder too if his mother will approve of him and Jason for that reason also.. I hope mom will be okay finally. No oe deserves that. But I also hope Corey sees that Jason is not his dad, and he takes a chance letting Jason prove that a person can indeed change for the better.
And what's to become of Christmas?


Great chapter once again Lit..

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Wonderful. I thought Jase pulling back and wanting to take this new thing slow, was brilliant. It was further proof he's not anything like the man he was. Corey may have a little relapse over what his dad has done, but I can't see him backtracking too much. His fears are deep-seated, but he is a smart guy. I would expect he will use Jason as a support system while he deals with his family. But, what do I know. Great job, my friend... cheers... Gary....

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Wow, I can't believe Jason was able to hold back now his dreams suddenly came true. But perhaps it was lucky the light came back just then? :unsure: At least they have both admitted to the mutual attraction, even if neither of them have dared to even think the L word. ;) Although Corey is thinking about 'gving his heart' to Jason.
There are plenty of things to discuss, even without the complications of Corey's mum. Are they now openly in a romantic relationship? IE will Jason tell Drew and Corey his mother and Pierre? Are they able to be honest about how long they've had feelings for each other? About their fears of taking it further and risking their friendship if it doesn't work out? Are they both versatile? How long before they can get naked and touch each other (never mind full-on sex)?
As usual I loved how you made eveything happen naturally and all the small details which showed how they felt about the situation and each other. Espcially how Jason felt hurt about Corey's joke about missing sex, but also the M&Ms memory, Corey ogling Jase's ass, both of them enoying reading together, being shy about touching the next day.

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  • Site Moderator

Another fantastic chapter Lit! :D
I read through the other reviews and they pretty well cover everything I thought about so I'll just say....no wait, lux said what I was going to say... oh well, I'll just repeat (you know, to reinforce my point :P ) ...another fantastic chapter Lit! :D

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Corey made the first move :o
And Jason said lets take it slow :o
Corey made the first move, wow, just wow


Poor Jason's Christmas plans have been thrown into chaos, what will Corey feel when he discovers Jason's real reasons for staying away from home

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Well, at least Corey's cheating bastard of a father isn't having twins with his ho, like my ex did.


It's great that Corey's mom finally left him. And she may say she doesn't want anything from him now, but wait, she should take him for everything she can get! Not that it helped me any. :(


Jason's wanting to take it slow with Corey is another testament that he's matured. I feel badly though b/c he really wanted to spend Christmas with Corey. Corey's being an awesome son though, and he's doing the right thing. :)

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On 07/13/2016 11:47 PM, Lux Apollo said:



Great chapter! Jason again shows Cory he's not the same sex driven guy who cheated on Pierre all those years ago. That was monumental self control. :P


I guess Cory and Jason won't be spending their Christmas together. Will Jason head home to visit his parents instead? I wonder what could happen with the two of them apart... Zach and Cory's father... Hmmm....

It did take a lot of control for Jason to walk away, but he wouldn't want to risk screwing this up by rushing. It means too much to him... and he isn't that hormone driven young man anymore.


Thank you for your review and your support, Lux.

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On 07/14/2016 12:42 AM, Puppilull said:

LOL Once again, you tease us! Very grown-up of Jason to say not now. At least they both now what they want. Although, Christmas plans might have to be tweaked a little. I wonder what Jason's parents would think about that?

Luckily he didn't elaborate about why he wanted to cancel their plans, so he might not have as much to explain, except that he was able to get away ;)


Thank you for your review and your support, Puppi :)

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On 07/14/2016 12:48 AM, Parker Owens said:

You have lighted the fuse. Now all I can hope is that the kiss you started doesn't fizzle out. It was certainly getting hot enough to melt the snow outside. Great chapter again, as you have begun to cement Corey and Jason's relationship together with good experiences, cursed good sense and a shared need for the best thing between them. Now if only life can stop getting in the way...

Life does have a tendency to make itself known when we least expect it, doesn't it? And who knows what would have happened if those lights hadn't come on. ;)


Thank you for your review and your support, Parker :)

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On 07/14/2016 01:28 AM, spikey582 said:

Wow obviously a huge step forward for Jason and Corey. This chapter answered my question about how Corey was feeling about it all. His feelings for Jason were developing just as powerfully. The kiss and the conversation were equally important. The kiss for obvious reasons and the conversation for demonstrating to Corey how Jason has evolved as he's gotten older.


I think it's becoming pretty clear that they'd do well together in a relationship. More importantly, they recognize the unresolved issues, so they're not blind to potential pitfalls. They also seem to be chipping away at these conversations they need to have. They're not doing it all at once, but they are talking about it.


I'm wondering though if this situation with his parents, and the renewed pain his father's cheating is bringing into the family is going to cause Corey to pull away a little bit. A lot of his hostility toward Jason is informed by what his father has done. Will he decide that Jason is cut from the same cloth after all?

They are talking about their issues, and that is a very good thing. I think both of these men want to make sure they do this right. Whether or not Corey's dad's latest indiscretion will cause him to pull away remains to be seen. A lot of his reaction to Jason back then had to do with his dad, so he will be affected in some way by this.


Thank you for your review and your support, Spikey :)

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On 07/14/2016 01:47 AM, dughlas said:

Amazing what being snowbound can lead to. The control Jason exhibited should help with Corey's trust issue. And then they were set to spend Chirstmas together until ... Corey's dad is still managing to screw up his life. Feel for his mum but now maybe she can create a better place for herself.

Superb chapter

Corey's mom put up with a lot and it seems like this might be her last straw. I agree that she would be in a better place if she stays gone from that man.


Jason did show a lot of restraint, although I don't think his body was 100% on board with his mind ;)


Thank you for your review and your support, Dugh :hug:

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On 07/14/2016 02:27 AM, Defiance19 said:

That was such a good lead up to the kiss. They are soo good together. Jason slowing things down when this is all he wants, shows just how serious he is.. I hope Corey remembers that and all the other little things he's noticed, because I sense he might pull away and decide it's not worth the risk to his heart..

What's happening with his Dad cheating again, comes at a bad time. Just as he's turning the corner with Jason. I wonder too if his mother will approve of him and Jason for that reason also.. I hope mom will be okay finally. No oe deserves that. But I also hope Corey sees that Jason is not his dad, and he takes a chance letting Jason prove that a person can indeed change for the better.

And what's to become of Christmas?


Great chapter once again Lit..

Unfortunately, Christmas together will likely not happen now. Corey knows his mom needs him. I hope he sees that Jason is not his dad too. Corey carries a lot of anger and resentment where his dad is concerned, and he has to work it out at some point.


Thank you for your review and your support, Def. :hug:

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On 07/14/2016 03:35 AM, Headstall said:

Wonderful. I thought Jase pulling back and wanting to take this new thing slow, was brilliant. It was further proof he's not anything like the man he was. Corey may have a little relapse over what his dad has done, but I can't see him backtracking too much. His fears are deep-seated, but he is a smart guy. I would expect he will use Jason as a support system while he deals with his family. But, what do I know. Great job, my friend... cheers... Gary....

Jason has matured and changed a lot where relationships are concerned. Corey has seen that, but whether or not his father's behaviour affects their new relationship remains to be seen. Corey is a smart man, but emotional responses don't often have anything to do with intelligence.


Thank you for your review and all of your unwavering support, Gary. :hug:

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On 07/14/2016 07:22 AM, Timothy M. said:

Wow, I can't believe Jason was able to hold back now his dreams suddenly came true. But perhaps it was lucky the light came back just then? :unsure: At least they have both admitted to the mutual attraction, even if neither of them have dared to even think the L word. ;) Although Corey is thinking about 'gving his heart' to Jason.

There are plenty of things to discuss, even without the complications of Corey's mum. Are they now openly in a romantic relationship? IE will Jason tell Drew and Corey his mother and Pierre? Are they able to be honest about how long they've had feelings for each other? About their fears of taking it further and risking their friendship if it doesn't work out? Are they both versatile? How long before they can get naked and touch each other (never mind full-on sex)?

As usual I loved how you made eveything happen naturally and all the small details which showed how they felt about the situation and each other. Espcially how Jason felt hurt about Corey's joke about missing sex, but also the M&Ms memory, Corey ogling Jase's ass, both of them enoying reading together, being shy about touching the next day.

For me, it's the little things that can really make or break relationships. Shared memories and shared interests can add wonderful dimension to a couple. There a lot of questions they still need to address and I think they realize that. the newness is exciting, but something as simple as 'do we tell people now or later?' Is very important not to assume.


Thank you for your support and your review, Tim. :hug:

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On 07/14/2016 08:34 AM, Reader1810 said:

Another fantastic chapter Lit! :D

I read through the other reviews and they pretty well cover everything I thought about so I'll just say....no wait, lux said what I was going to say... oh well, I'll just repeat (you know, to reinforce my point :P ) ...another fantastic chapter Lit! :D

Haha thank you, Reader. Reinforcement and support is always welcome :*)

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On 07/14/2016 08:42 AM, impunity said:

Everything's already said. Great chapter! Thanks for the midweek treat. :)

You're welcome, impunity. Thank you for reading and your continued support. :)

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On 07/14/2016 10:02 AM, Bucket1 said:

Corey made the first move :o

And Jason said lets take it slow :o

Corey made the first move, wow, just wow


Poor Jason's Christmas plans have been thrown into chaos, what will Corey feel when he discovers Jason's real reasons for staying away from home

I know, right :P who would have put money on CoreY making the first move?


Thank you for your support and your review, B :hug:

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On 07/14/2016 02:38 PM, Lisa said:

Well, at least Corey's cheating bastard of a father isn't having twins with his ho, like my ex did.


It's great that Corey's mom finally left him. And she may say she doesn't want anything from him now, but wait, she should take him for everything she can get! Not that it helped me any. :(


Jason's wanting to take it slow with Corey is another testament that he's matured. I feel badly though b/c he really wanted to spend Christmas with Corey. Corey's being an awesome son though, and he's doing the right thing. :)

I have a friend who went through a similar situation. its a terrible thing to have to go through, and I'm sorry that you know what that feels like first hand :hug: Right now I think Corey's mom just wants to get away from the situation, and forget for a while. Don't worry, I can't see Corey letting her walk away without at least getting her fair share in a settlement.


Thank you for your review and your support, Lisa :)

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Nice. Jason is smart in taking his time. Well Cory can take Jason with him, or they'll be adult and meet up for New Year's. Well see!

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