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Choices - 3. Chapter 3

Chapter 3


Liam was bored. This was his second full day in the hospital, and it looked like he was going to be here for a while longer. He’d finally spoken to Bryce. His friend made the forty minute drive from Belleville as soon as he could get away from work, and had chastised him for not calling sooner. They’d enjoyed a great visit, but now he was alone again. It’s not that he minded his own company, but when he was home, he had his favorite books to read, home projects to work on, and his recent pastime: studying physiotherapy textbooks Corey had lent him. His boss was always advocating for him to go back to school to get his degree, and recently Liam had been seriously considering the idea. Corey had even offered to help him study, and a place to set up practice once he graduated.

He was considering starting another Sudoku puzzle, or taking one more slow walk around the ward when his cell phone buzzed beside him.

“Hey, Marty,” he answered happily.

“Hi, Shorty. I’m just calling to let you know I’m booked on the eight-fifteen flight to Toronto. I should be in Kingston in the early afternoon tomorrow. I don’t want any arguments from you, but I took a week off work, and I’m setting up camp at your place.”


“No buts. You’re my best friend. Besides, you took care of me after that four-wheeler accident a few years back. It’s time for some payback.”

Liam rolled his eyes. “You were sixteen, and living with your parents. This isn’t the same thing.”

“You still ran around to get my homework, and were at my beck and call until I got that walking cast. For a teenager that’s a lot more work than visiting a friend for a week.”

“Can’t argue with your logic.” He gave in with a laugh.

“Of course you can’t.”

“I guess I’ll see you in the morning then?”

“You got it. Don’t get into any unsanctioned trouble until I get there.”

“I really appreciate this, Martin. I love you. You know that, right?”

“I know, Liam. I love you too. You’re my brother. Now get some rest. Those pills they’re giving you are making you sappy.”

Although he felt bad for putting his friend out, Liam could admit he was thrilled his best friend would be by his side. They’d been as thick as thieves since they were kids. Marty had helped him through the terrifying time when he came out to his dad, and Liam had been there for Marty during the ‘girlfriend pregnancy scare’ when he was eighteen. Liam had managed to talk Marty off the proverbial ledge until a second test came back negative. What Liam would be forever grateful for, though, was Marty’s support when his dad died unexpectedly of a heart attack a few years earlier. He didn’t think he could have survived the heartache without Marty’s strong shoulder to lean on. The man had stuck by his side, helping him make funeral arrangements, and dealing with the estate lawyer.

Over the years, many people had mistakenly assumed they were a couple. A few boyfriends had even become jealous enough to confront Liam about their close relationship. Liam laughed every time. Marty had never, and would never, be anything but a brother to him. At six foot two, the man was tall, muscular, and handsome, but aside from an appreciation of his friend’s good looks, there were never any sexual feelings towards one another.

Indulging in a nap to kill a few hours was starting to become a viable option, when a knock at the door pulled him from his bored haze. He was surprised to see Nathan, the paramedic, standing at the opening holding a paper bag and a tray with three coffee cups.

“Good afternoon. I see they haven’t sprung you yet.” Nathan greeted him with a smile. “Do you mind if I come in?”

“Please do.” Liam scooted back on the bed, and waved in the direction of a chair. “Have a seat.”

The man strode in, and placed the tray and bag on the rolling table. “I just got off shift, and had to drop off some paperwork. I thought if you were still around you might like something other than the coffee they serve here.”

Liam perked up immediately. “You brought me three cups of coffee?”

“Well, one for you, one for me, and the third is a hot chocolate for Mrs. Ferguson. She’s an older woman in the room next to yours, but she’s sleeping right now. I’ll just leave it for her if she’s not awake by the time I leave.”

“That’s so sweet of you,” Liam said as he grinned up at the man.

Nathan shrugged, looking suddenly shy. “My partner and I brought her in a few weeks ago. As far as I can tell, she doesn’t have anyone. Bringing her something warm to drink and spending a few minutes with her doesn’t take anything out of my day, and it seems to cheer her up.”

Liam removed the lid from his beverage, peering at the other man through the steam. The paramedic was as cute as he was sweet. He looked to be a few inches taller than Liam’s five foot eight, and his musculature was more defined, likely from lifting stretchers all day.

“I wasn’t sure what you took in your coffee, so I brought cream and sugar.”

“Black is great. Thank you for this.” Liam took a sip, and hummed in appreciation. Hospital coffee had a bad, if well-earned reputation. “Do you do this every day or is ‘saint’ a part-time gig?”

Nathan’s eyes widened as he sputtered a laugh, choking on his coffee. “I’m hardly a saint,” he responded when the coughing subsided.

“What would you call a man who takes time out of his busy day to bring life-giving caffeine to those in need… after already saving their lives, I might add?”

The paramedic blushed, and looked down at the floor, but not before Liam noticed his smile. Nathan was adorable. “I’m just happy you’re on the mend,” the man said quietly, meeting his gaze. “Your boyfriend must be thrilled.”


“Yeah, the tow truck driver? He was here the other day when I stopped by.”

“Alek?” Liam laughed, noting how bitter it sounded. “He’s my ex-boyfriend… with an emphasis on EX.”

“Oh,” Nathan shifted in his chair and looked out the open door. “I think he might want to change that.”

Liam rolled his eyes, and took another sip of the delicious, dark liquid. “Well, he’s the one with a girlfriend now. He made his choice a while ago, and now he has to live with it. Shit… I’m sorry. Here you are being a good guy who’s visiting bored-to-tears patients, and I dump my crap on you. You don’t need to know all of the sordid details of my love life.”

“I asked.”

“Still,” Liam replied with a sigh. “You don’t need to be subjected to that mess.” Pasting a smile on his face, he straightened his spine. “So, what’s it like being a paramedic-slash-saint? Do they give badges for that sort of thing? Commendations? A pay raise perhaps?”

The other man’s laugh was a joy-filled sound. “Well, I don’t know about pay raises for sainthood… but I love my job. When I was in public school, my mother was in a bad accident. If it wasn’t for the paramedic on scene, she would have died. After that, I was determined to become a paramedic so I could help someone else’s mom someday.”

Liam found himself staring at Nathan, intrigued by the man. He was kind, generous, and seemed to have a heart of gold. How many other men did he know who would take time after a long day at work to visit an elderly patient?

Their conversation moved on to lighter subjects, including Liam’s job and career aspirations.

“You should do it,” Nathan said, setting his cup on the table. “I can tell by the excitement in your voice you want that degree. What’ve you got to lose?”

“All of that tuition money if I flunk out?”

“You owe it to yourself to give it a shot. You said your boss, Corey, offered to help you study, and lent you his textbooks, right?”

“Yeah, but he has a business to run, and is newly married. He’s not going to have a lot of time to devote to helping me pass.” Liam knew he wasn’t stupid, but studying and tests had never come easily for him. Sometimes it felt like he had to study twice as hard to get the same grades as his classmates.

“Well if you want, I could help you study?”

“What?” Liam turned to the other man, wincing at the twinge in his back. “Why would you do that? We barely know each other.”

Nathan shrugged and picked at the seam of his work pants. “I don’t know… you seem like a nice guy, and we get along well. I don’t know about you, but I could always use another friend.”

Liam felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth. This guy really was amazing. “Same here, and if I do decide to go back to school, I promise to pick your brain so often you’ll regret offering to help.”

Nathan smiled happily, standing when the yawn Liam had been stifling finally escaped.

“Sorry,” Liam said, feeling the colour rise in his cheeks. “I must be more tired than I thought.”

“It’s all right. I should probably go and see if Mrs. Ferguson is awake before I head home, or she’ll think I forgot about her.”

“You can’t have her thinking that,” Liam acknowledged, feeling his eyelids drooping. “Thank you again for the coffee and the company.”

“You’re welcome. It was my pleasure.”

“Oh, wait!” Liam opened his eyes wide as a thought occurred to him. “If I get out of here tomorrow morning, we won’t know how to contact each other. I enjoyed our talk today, and I would love to get together again… for coffee or something. My treat next time.”

The smile on Nathan’s face morphed into a wide grin. “I’d like that too. Here, I’ll write down my number.”

“Better yet,” Liam said, grabbing his phone from the side table. “Put your number in here, and I’ll text you so you’ll have mine.”

Within minutes, Nathan’s number was saved and his cell dinged with an incoming message from Liam. Still grinning, the paramedic waved and left with the now cool hot chocolate in hand. Liam fell asleep thinking how nice it was to have another friend in town.


“Hey, Shorty. What the hell are you still doing in bed? Do you think you can just laze about all day?”

Liam’s heart skipped a beat as he turned towards his best friend in the world. “Marty! You made it.”

Seeing the man was like coming home. It settled his anxiety and made him feel like everything was going to be all right.

“The traffic was a bitch, but I made pretty decent time.”

“Driving safely I hope.”

“Yes, Mom.”

“Fuck you. You know I worry about my brother… especially after what happened to me.”

The teasing expression on Marty’s face fell. “I know. I’m sorry, Liam. Really.”

Liam closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “No, I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t do anything stupid. I think that accident is going to make me gun shy for a while.”

“It’s okay, I get it.” Marty walked the few steps to Liam’s bedside, and hugged him gently. “How are you feeling today? Are they going to let you out?” His friend leaned back and frowned, running his thumb under the bandage over his eye.

“The doctor just left. He said my vision appears much better, and he’s willing to discharge me since you’ll be staying with me. Once the nurse takes out this IV, I should be good to go.”

Sitting on the side of the bed, Marty held Liam’s good hand. “How is everything else? How bad is the arm?”

“It’s fractured in two places, and I have cuts and bruises everywhere. Nothing that won’t heal.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t call me,” Marty scolded, giving his hand a light squeeze. “I would have come right away, you know that.”

“I know… I didn’t want to put anyone out.”


“I know, I know. Corey already scolded me.”

“Good. I knew I liked the guy.”

Liam laughed, wincing when his ribs creaked.

“All right, Mr. MacPherson. Let’s get that IV removed, and get you out of here.” A pretty redheaded nurse walked in with a small tray of gauze and tape. As she expertly removed the needle and tubing he noticed Marty subtly eyeing the pretty woman. Mentally shaking his head, he returned his attention to the nurse as she went over his home care. Although he no longer needed to be woken at all hours of the night, he was advised to pay careful attention to any changes in his symptoms, like worsening headaches, vision problems, personality changes, and nausea.

“I’ll keep a close eye on him,” Marty assured her from his perch against the far wall.

Turning her assessing eyes on his friend, the nurse nodded briskly. “Good. Your boyfriend took quite a knock to the head. His condition could worsen quickly.”

“Oh”, Marty looked surprised for a moment before breaking into a smile. “Li’s not my boyfriend. More like a brother. We’ve been best friends since short stuff here hit me with a swing on the playground. Besides,” he continued with a wink. “I like my dates a little softer, and with more curves.”

Liam chuckled as he listened to his friend flirt. From the flush in the nurse’s cheeks, the attention hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“So I can leave then?” he interrupted, not wanting his best friend’s mojo to get in the way of his escape.

“Yes, sorry.” The redhead turned back to him with an apologetic smile. “I’ll be back with your discharge papers, and your prescriptions.” With another tight smile, the flustered woman fled the room.

“Leave it to you to find someone to flirt with in a hospital.”

“It never hurts to make nice with the medical staff.” Marty grinned at him as he pulled a pair jogging pants and a sweater from a small duffel bag. “I wasn’t sure if you had any clothes here so I brought these with me. They might be a little big, but with that cast, it’s probably for the best.”

Soon, after a lot of help from his friend, Liam was dressed in too large, but comfortable sweats, and sitting in a wheelchair, ready to go home. The nurse returned to hand Marty the discharge paperwork, and with a shy smile, hurried back to the nurses’ station.

As Marty wheeled him around a corner near the front entrance, he thought he spotted Alek, but when he turned, no one was there. Why in the hell was he imagining Aleksei? He’d been doing so well getting over the man, and then the big Russian had to show up and bring all of those feelings roaring back, as if they’d never left. His ex-boyfriend had taken the coward’s way out, and let him go, so why couldn’t Liam do the same? With a wrench of will, he turned his attention to his best friend.

“Wait here. I’ll bring my car around, and then we’ll get you home. It’ll be the best place for you to heal.”

“You’re right,” Liam replied softly. “I need to heal.”

Thank you to my wonderful editor, and friend, Gary, who managed to get this chapter edited and back to me, despite his internet issues. :hug: :kiss: Thank you to everyone who reads and support this story.
If you want to weigh in on the Nathan v. Alek debate, please feel free to join us here.
Copyright © 2017 LitLover; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

May I summarize? Liam appears to be a nice guy. Nathan appears to be just as Liam described him: a saint. And a pleasant, cute and personable one, too. Alek was wonderful and sexy in his way, but unable to choose Liam. He has refused Liam, and Liam has told him to go away.


So why can't Liam forget the big Russian and begin to think about someone else? Something tells me Nathan is too good to be true. But perhaps it is worth Liam's while to find out. Thanks for a great chapter!

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Hmm... After that saint routine, Nathan has made it kind of difficult for Liam to choose. Provided of course Alek makes some drastic changes to his own life. So will something happen to tip the scale or will he be forced to simply decide...?

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Hooray for good friends like Marty! And potential new friends like Nathan. Please tell me Alek won't be causing problems. Although I think I know better... Thanks for more good reading. Jeff

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Nathan the 0:) I like that, whether he is a future friend or boyfriend. Marty is a good guy, and it's so funny how he gets taken for Liam's boyfriend and manages to get a nice flirt out of it. I'm sure he's capable of telling Alek where to go. Or at least telling him what it would take for Liam's friends to accept him again.

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  • Site Moderator

Marty...love him! Everybody should be so lucky to have a friend like him. :)
Still team Nathan and I think I'm liking him even more because of his hospital visits.
As for Liam thinking he saw Alek? Maybe he did as in, Alek is lurking around the hospital hoping he will can see Liam again so he can explain himself... I say, sorry Alek, there is no having your cake and eating it too as the saying goes. -_-
Course, maybe Alek wasn't really there at all. You can't blame Liam for still having thoughts and/or feelings because he had high hopes for him and Alex as a couple. Putting those feelings in the past is going to take some time, I would think.

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Nice chapter. Is Nathan as good as he seems? Was Alek stalking Liam but scared off by Marty? These and other questions linger in the minds of avid readers.

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Marty to the rescue! Think its funny that people assume he and Liam are a couple because of how close they are. Wondering if Marty knows the story with Liam and Alek so maybe he can keep Alek at bay. Nathan seems to get more and more lovable! So sweet that he brings the lady in the next room coffee. I do believe Nathan and Liam might just have a thing for each other. As always, looking forward to reading more!

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I'm definitely Team Nathan, but his bringing hot chocolate for Mrs Ferguson makes me wonder if he's just a saint rather than an available and datable hot guy.


I think Alek was there and was scared off by yet another 'rival' for Liam's affection.


Despite being more than twice his apparent age, I'd love to have a Nathan bring me hot chocolate if I were ever hospitalized. Even if he thought of me as just a lonely an old man…


I think people used to think my ex-boyfriend were an old married couple when we used to see movies together at the film festival decades after we stopped dating. He seemed to think my innocently licking a gelato cone was erotic. And he always remembered how I liked my burritos and which toppings I liked on my pizza. But something about how we interacted make is look coupled. Even though I no longer saw him that way.


When I was staying in the shelter, the paramedics were called quite often. Due to policy, firemen were also sent and arrived first. Since it was a medical call, the firemen didn't have much they could do but stand around. I was able to make a few observations from a distance. Firemen were beefy, sometimes husky or even chunky. Paramedics were leaner and skewed a little younger – and much hotter! (In my opinion.)

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Yeah... still holding out for Alek :P . Nathan sounds nauseating... hehe... just kidding. Really, he sounds like a sweet and caring guy, but Alek needs someone in his corner. At least until I'm sure he's a jerk. Love is full of obstacles, but if you can clear them, it makes for something good... just saying... you're driving the bus, Lit... let me know if you're going to slam on the brakes... no seatbelts on this bus :) ... great chapter, my friend... cheers... Gary....

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l love Marty!! Just what the doctor ordered and maybe he can act as a buffer between Liam and Alek. I want Nathan to be the one to give Liam his happily ever after. Alek isn't good enough now for our Liam. Nope nope nope! :no: He wants to make Liam his 'side chick (dude)'. I say that because he didn't say he was breaking up with his girlfriend but he loves Liam. Ugh.

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On 01/27/2017 02:25 AM, Parker Owens said:

May I summarize? Liam appears to be a nice guy. Nathan appears to be just as Liam described him: a saint. And a pleasant, cute and personable one, too. Alek was wonderful and sexy in his way, but unable to choose Liam. He has refused Liam, and Liam has told him to go away.


So why can't Liam forget the big Russian and begin to think about someone else? Something tells me Nathan is too good to be true. But perhaps it is worth Liam's while to find out. Thanks for a great chapter!

Liam is a very nice guy, and although we don't Nathan well yet, he also seems like a good guy. Liam loved Alek for a long time, and forgetting those feelings can be difficult. Perhaps you'll be right and Nathan can help Liam get over Alek once and for all.


Thank you for your review and support, Parker. :)

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On 01/27/2017 02:33 AM, Puppilull said:

Hmm... After that saint routine, Nathan has made it kind of difficult for Liam to choose. Provided of course Alek makes some drastic changes to his own life. So will something happen to tip the scale or will he be forced to simply decide...?

Nathan is making decisions more difficult. Right now though I'm not sure if Liam is thinking of anything romantic, even if he does think Nathan is cute. Maybe their next meeting will create some sparks?


Thank you for your review and your support, Puppi :)

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On 01/27/2017 03:35 AM, JeffreyL said:

Hooray for good friends like Marty! And potential new friends like Nathan. Please tell me Alek won't be causing problems. Although I think I know better... Thanks for more good reading. Jeff

Marty is a great guy, and loves Liam like a brother. As for Alek? Stay tuned and find out what happens :)


Thank you for your review and your support, Jeff :)

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On 01/27/2017 03:47 AM, Timothy M. said:

Nathan the 0:) I like that, whether he is a future friend or boyfriend. Marty is a good guy, and it's so funny how he gets taken for Liam's boyfriend and manages to get a nice flirt out of it. I'm sure he's capable of telling Alek where to go. Or at least telling him what it would take for Liam's friends to accept him again.

I think Marty will have something to say to a person he believes hurt his best friend. It would be interesting to see Marty and Alek together ;)


Thank you for your review and your support, Tim :hug:

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On 01/27/2017 04:42 AM, Lyssa said:

I am curious where this will lead. Nice story. :-)

Thank you, Lyssa. I hope you stick around for the whole ride :)

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On 01/27/2017 04:42 AM, Reader1810 said:

Marty...love him! Everybody should be so lucky to have a friend like him. :)

Still team Nathan and I think I'm liking him even more because of his hospital visits.

As for Liam thinking he saw Alek? Maybe he did as in, Alek is lurking around the hospital hoping he will can see Liam again so he can explain himself... I say, sorry Alek, there is no having your cake and eating it too as the saying goes. -_-

Course, maybe Alek wasn't really there at all. You can't blame Liam for still having thoughts and/or feelings because he had high hopes for him and Alex as a couple. Putting those feelings in the past is going to take some time, I would think.

Marty is a great friend. He's a sweet and protective 'big' brother.


No, Liam can't be blamed for still having thoughts/feelings about Alek. he wanted that relationship to work out so badly that he hung on longer than he might have with anyone else.


Thank you for your review and your support, Reader :hug:

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So Alek is a stalker now, hiding in hospital corridors trying to prey on the weak and injured. What is his problem? I bet he stole Mrs Ferguson's hot chocolate too. If Nathan "disappears" then I blame Alek. Just don't trust him, skulking around the corridors...

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On 01/27/2017 04:58 AM, dughlas said:

Nice chapter. Is Nathan as good as he seems? Was Alek stalking Liam but scared off by Marty? These and other questions linger in the minds of avid readers.

I can't really say if Nathan is as good as he seems (that bloody author :X response ;)) but so far he seems like a genuinely nice man.


Thank you for your review and your support, Dugh. :hug:

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On 01/27/2017 06:06 AM, jaysalmn said:

Marty to the rescue! Think its funny that people assume he and Liam are a couple because of how close they are. Wondering if Marty knows the story with Liam and Alek so maybe he can keep Alek at bay. Nathan seems to get more and more lovable! So sweet that he brings the lady in the next room coffee. I do believe Nathan and Liam might just have a thing for each other. As always, looking forward to reading more!

It can be hard for some people to understand that a straight man can be great friends with a gay man, just like it's hard for some people to believe a straight man and woman can be friends. It can, and does happen all the time though.


Thank you for your review and your support, jaysalmn. :)

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On 01/27/2017 06:08 AM, Petey said:

Kind of neat to have a story set so close home. Belleville is a 20 minute drive for me. :great:

lol I love the Belleville and Kingston area. I don't live there, but I have visited several times. It's what made me want to write a story based in those locations, even if I do use creative licence to change some neighbourhoods to suit the story ;)


Thank you for your review and your support, Petey. :)

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