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Resident Evil: Epidemic - 11. Chapter 11

Chapter 11




Mr. Bosley, carrying Dan in his arms, rushed over to us once everything had quieted down. Tyler was at his side, babbling words of comfort to an unconscious Dan. Lucas stood up, but was shaky on his legs. He had hit the wall pretty hard, and was apparently still in a lot of pain from the shoulder his dad popped back into place.


I looked over at Dan. He was completely out cold, and was shivering from the chilly, damp air in the corridor. His leg was a complete and total mess. Mr Bosley had moved the tattered cloth of his pants out of the way, exposing the scarred flesh underneath. When the spider’s green acidic spit first hit his leg, the skin had started to bubble and melt, much like a scene from a terrible old horror movie. I didn’t even know skin could do that.


“Miles, you’d better have a look at his leg,” Mr. Bosley said to Lucas’ dad.


With one last look to make sure his son was alright, he moved to where Mr. Bosley was standing.


He took one look at the mess Dan’s leg was in, and said, “I can’t treat him here, he needs much more than a simple dressing, I may need to amputate his leg.”


“No! Oh, god no!” Tyler started wailing and crying now. I knew he and Dan were close, maybe even best friends. It seemed to me that Tyler’s reaction seemed like it was more than just a concerned friend. But, obviously now wasn’t the time to ask if they were boyfriends.


It’s time to tend to mine.


“Babe, are you alright?” I asked as gently as I could, while gently prodding his hurt shoulder. He jumped when I touched a sensitive part.


“I’m fine,” he said, annoyed with me and my poking finger. “Dad said it might be sprained.”


“Still in a lot of pain?” I asked.


“Yeah, but I can handle it,” he said with a ghost of a smile. Tyler was still crying loudly, and Mr. Bosley and Lucas’ dad were debating whether or not to try to get to the hospital.


“You’ll never make it,” I said. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. “Mr. Thomas, you saw how bad the roads were. This morning I tried to take my mom to the hospital, and the streets were crawling with them. You’d both be dead before you got within a hundred yards of it.”


“If we don’t risk it, Dan might die,” Lucas’ dad said.


Tyler started sniffling again when he said this.


“I know, but look around,” I said, sweeping my arms around. “We’re in a secret lab underneath the school. There has to be some kind of medical facility down here.”


“Yeah,” Lucas said, stepping up beside me. “The scientists down here probably didn’t get out much, because of the risk of exposure. There has to be an infirmary or something.”


“Who knows what’s even down here,” Mr. Bosley said reasonably. “This place could be crawling with zombies or worse. And we don’t even know where we’re going. We might be walking to our deaths down here.”


“But outside, I know we wouldn’t last ten minutes,” I said. Lucas and his father both nodded. “And we don’t have the ammo.”


“Alright, I guess we don’t really have any choice,” Mr. Bosley said in defeat.


“Is Dan going to be alright?” Tyler asked Lucas’ dad.


“I hope so, Tyler,” he said. He didn’t try to sugarcoat the situation. That was one thing I liked about Mr. Thomas. He always told you the truth, not bullshit. You could depend on him.


Mr. Thomas took Dan into his arms, handing Lucas his shotgun. Lucas handed the rifle to me, and I holstered the pistol in the waistband of my pajamas. Mr. Bosley didn’t take a weapon, because he knew he’d have to help Lucas’ dad carry Dan if it turned out to be a long walk. And with Tyler’s emotional state at the moment, no one really trusted him with a weapon.


We started walking down the long corridor as fast as possible, making sure to keep checking the walls and ceilings for any disgusting eight-legged hairy monsters. I didn’t know about others in our little patrol, but I sure as hell didn’t want to run into another one of those.


Finally, we reached the end of the long corridor, and what we found made all of us gasp.


Well…I gasped.


Okay! I screamed like a ten-year-old girl again. I can’t help it!


There was a giant spider web blocking the door at the end of the corridor. It looked like it was fairly recent, because it was obvious that the web was unfinished. Long threads lined the floor, stretching out behind us, toward the stairs. Looking back, that’s probably how the Spider-Queen knew we were coming. It probably sensed our vibrations in its web.


Wow, I remembered something from science class.


When I told the rest of them my theory, Lucas’ response was, “Wow, you remembered something from science class.”


I rolled my eyes at him, and turned to Mr. Bosley, who was checking Dan’s pulse at the moment.


“How do we get through?” I asked him, and he looked up at me, and then over my shoulder at the web. He hadn't noticed it before.


His hand disappeared into his pocket, where it fished around for something, and then with a frustrated look he pulled it out and put his other hand in his other pocket, pulling out a pocket knife. He tossed it to me.


“Start cutting,” he said, and he returned to check on Dan.


Before I had a chance to even think about handing the knife to Lucas, he took my rifle and leaned it against the wall.


“I’ll cover you,” he said, and started scanning the area behind us with his shotgun.


“Why do I always have to touch the gross nasty disgusting horrible awful sticky gross nasty spider webs?” I mumbled to myself.


“You said ‘gross’ and ‘nasty’ twice,” Lucas said, with a half smirk on his face.


I ignored him, and started slashing at the web, hoping that maybe if I cut enough of the threads the whole thing would collapse. No such luck. Every time I cut a thread, it just stuck together with the other threads around it, making those threads thicker and harder to cut.


I was trying to avoid actually having to touch the sticky mess, but it was inevitable.


“Eww…” I said, as I grabbed a handful of it and started cutting again. I pulled the clump away from the rest of the web, and threw it behind me. But it didn’t come off my hand. I had to shake my hand really hard to get it off.


It took me nearly ten minutes to clear a hole big enough to get through. I worked as fast as I possibly could, because I knew Dan’s life might be hanging in the balance. Finally, we were all on the other side, and found the door at the end of the corridor to be slightly open, just like the door at the top of the stairs. Lucas handed the rifle back to me, after I’d forgotten that it was leaning against the wall by the web, and I nudged the door open with the barrel of the rifle.


The place we stepped out into was in stark contrast to the spider’s corridor.. The dark damp corridor we’d come from had an old and decrepit look to it, plainly showing its years of neglect. We stepped out into what seemed to be some kind of lobby, abandoned by the look of it, warm and inviting. The walls were a sterile white, and the immaculate tile floor clicked softly as we stepped on it. The fine oak receptionist’s desk looked to have been heavily polished with a glossy shine.


There was faint music being piped in through speakers that were well hidden. It reminded me of typical elevator music, but gave a strangely calming effect. On top of the desk, as if put there to complete the cozy image, was an old typewriter, very similar to the one I’d seen in Lucas’ garage. It might have been the very same model. Next to it, covered in a thin layer of dust, was a small can labeled ‘ink ribbons’, and on the bookshelf behind the desk was a can of ‘Aqua Cure First-Aid Spray’, which I’d used before on my injured hip. The cut was starting to heal quite nicely.


“Hey, maybe this’ll help Dan,” I said to Lucas’ dad.


He shook his head in response. “It’s a wonderful product for small burns, cuts, and abrasions, but wouldn’t help much on burns of this magnitude.”


He took the can from me, and read the back of it.


“Doesn’t make any sense how it works,” he said, his brow furrowed. “None of these ingredients should cause the effects that it does.”


Mr. Bosley, peering over and glancing at the can, said, “Well, it’s an Umbrella product.”


Mr. Thomas set it down on the desk, and turned to Mr. Bosley, who passed a still unconscious Dan to him.


“We might need that,” I said, pointing at the can.


“Well, can you carry it? You don’t have any pockets,” he said. My hands brushed the pajama pants where pockets would be on other pants. I found none. I knew Lucas was in the same boat as me, having no pockets on his pajamas either. I looked over at Tyler, but even though he had pockets on his jeans, they were so tight there’s no way he’d be able to fit in a Tic-Tac, let alone a can of F-Aid Spray.


Lucas nudged me in the side, and pointed to a large wooden box in the corner. It was old, and the top opened on a hinge like a treasure chest.


“Put it in there, and we can come back for it if we need it,” he said. Seeing no other immediate solutions, I did as he suggested.


“Come on, we need to hurry,” said Lucas’ dad, looking down at Dan. Tyler sniffled noisily, and followed him to the door. Mr. Bosley was right behind, and they waited for Lucas and I to lead, as we still had the weapons.


I pulled the door open, and Lucas poked his shotgun out the door. Seeing no immediate threats, he entered the hall, and I followed.


Along the hall were what appeared to be examination rooms, but through the windows we could see strange equipment that was unlike any medical equipment any of us had ever seen. They looked more like bizarre torture devices than any kind of practical equipment.


Just when we were beginning to think we’d be searching the lab forever, Lucas noticed a directory on the far wall. He and I raced ahead to read it.





“Marcus Facility?” I said questioningly.


Lucas shrugged, and looked back at the map. The rooms on the map were blue, but the hallway we were in was red, and a small arrow was indicating our current position. The rooms were numbered, and the names of the corresponding rooms were on the side of the map.


He scanned the names of the rooms, but quickly found what he was looking for.


“The infirmary is just down a few hallways,” he said as Mr. Thomas, still holding Dan, Mr. Bosley, and Tyler caught up with us.


“Right, you guys lead,” Mr. Thomas said.


I strode ahead, having seen where Lucas had pointed. As I turned down the first hallway, I saw at the end of the hall was another of those red-faced zombies. It hadn't seen me yet, so I motioned for the others to stop.


I raised the rifle, taking careful aim. I didn’t want to miss, because the sound would alert it, and they were much harder to kill as they ran at you at top speed. I know. Just ask the coke machine.


I had it in my sights, and was pretty sure I was going to hit it. I couldn’t be absolutely sure, because let’s face it, I’m a horrible shot, but it felt right, and I prepared to take it down.


Tyler sniffled loudly, and the thing jerked its head around, looking right at me with its red eyes. I pulled the trigger just as it started to run, missing its head by centimeters.


It made a sound that can only be described as something between a moan of hunger and a cry of excitement. It closed half the distance of the hallway in seconds, and I fired again, hitting it in the neck. Black gelled blood poured out of the wound, but the zombie didn’t even seem to feel it.


Lucas was at my side just as it was getting close enough to reach the barrel of the rifle. He fired his shotgun with a deafening sound that echoed in the hall. He blew a hole clean through the middle of it, severing its spine. Its legs were knocked back behind it from the force of the shot, and it landed on its face and didn’t move.


I looked over at Lucas, and yelled, “Thanks!” I could barely hear it for the ringing in my ears.


I took a step forward, and nearly jumped out of my skin when the zombie grasped my bare ankle on my left foot. It struggled to bring my foot within range of its mouth, but I stood my ground, struggling to break free. I brought my other foot up, and stomped down on the back of its head, shattering its skull. Its hand went slack, and my foot got free.


Lucas suppressed a giggle, with what I’m sure was great difficulty, as I started hopping around on the foot that nearly got eaten. The other foot was my sore foot, the one I’d used to kick open the cafeteria door.


The rest of the trip to the infirmary went without any problems. Lucas opened the door, and immediately we were hit with the sterile clean scent that is always present in a doctor’s office.


“Let’s get him on the table,” Mr. Thomas said. He put Dan onto one of the examination tables, and started to cut away the leg of his pants, exposing his horribly burned flesh.


Mr. Thomas started to work, and it was quite obvious even to someone like me that he knew what he was doing. I mean, I’d never even seen an episode of E. R.


When he brought out the scalpels and started to cut away the dead flesh, I had to look away. I suddenly found the design on the tile floor incredibly interesting. Even though I’d seen so much of it recently, I’ve never liked the sight of blood. Not even my own, on the few times in which I’ve seen it.


As I stood there, my back to the door, I kept gazing at the shiny tile beneath my feet. The faint scraping sounds of the scalpel was making my stomach turn. After about twenty minutes, Mr. Thomas had done about all he could do for Dan.


“I have him sedated, but he should come out of it soon,” he said. “I had to give him an anti-venom for the poison.” I finally gathered the courage to look up at him. Dan’s leg was wrapped in bandages, but otherwise looked alright. Color was starting to return to his cheeks, I’m guessing as a result of the anti-venom. We all breathed a sigh of relief.


Mr. Bosley didn’t seem to be in any better condition than I was. His face had gone a little green. Lucas turned to look at me, relief plainly written on his face. Tyler was crying tears of happiness now. He was on his knees at Dan’s side, because there were no chairs.


“He’s going to be alright!” Lucas shouted at the top of his voice.


Lucas started walking toward me, but suddenly stopped in his tracks, and the color drained from his face. He looked terrified, and his mouth hung open in stunned silence.


Then there was a sharp pain in the small of my back, at the base of my spine and a stinging warmth spread throughout my veins. It was as if a thousand bees were stinging me all over my body, and my muscles had seized up.


“AH!” I yelled, and everyone turned and stared at me. Or, more specifically, something just over my left shoulder.


“You feel that?” A raspy voice said from right beside my ear. He was so close I was vaguely aware of the moisture from his breath on my cheek. “It’s in your bloodstream now, there’s nothing you can do.”


He pulled a needle out of my back, and I collapsed to the ground. I couldn’t do anything other than whimper in pain on the ground.


“Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to stand with your back to a door?” the voice asked more clearly, and I now recognized it.


“Coach Reynolds, what are you doing?” Lucas asked, his voice shaking. “Please, put the gun down.”


The coach laughed, a note of insanity in its sound.


“What I’m doing, is exactly what I was assigned to do!” he yelled. “And as for the gun…”


There was a loud bang as he fired his gun. Lucas screamed, and I heard a dull thud on the floor from across the room. With my nerves screaming in pain, I forced my head to turn, and was so horrified by what I saw that I nearly wet myself.


Tyler lay on the ground, staring at me with a blank, vacant expression on his face. And a bullet hole in his forehead.


“Nnngh…no…” I grunted quietly. Tears poured from my eyes, blurring my vision.


“Oh yes,” said the coach. “There isn’t much time left for any of you, anyway. Not with ‘Code XX’ coming.”


“Code XX?” Mr. Bosley asked.


“You’ll find out about that soon enough,” the coach said. “You’ve got a more pressing problem with the little whelp here.”


“What did you do to him?” Lucas asked through his tears. “Why are you doing this?”


“I've been watching little Kieran here for quite a while,” the coach said. “Took a peak at his medical records, and it seems that his DNA is perfectly suited for what Umbrella needs.”


“Um…Umbrella?” I asked. The pain was finally subsiding into a dull ache, and I was able to sit up.


“Yes, they need hard data on the Tyrant T-002 project,” he said. “The fool who was supposed to deliver that data screwed up and got himself killed. But no matter. The security cameras in this facility will be more than adequate for information regarding the transformation.”


“What the hell are you talking about? What transformation?” Mr. Thomas said.


“Now, I mustn’t give away all of my secrets,” he said with a short maniacal sounding giggle. “It’ll be much more fun for you to find out for yourself.”


I looked at him with such a look of hatred as he smiled at me. I’d never wanted to kill another human being like I did right then. I wanted to tear the limbs from his body. I wanted to peal the flesh from his bones. I wanted to laugh at him as I took my time, killing him as slowly as possible. It was as if a red haze had taken me over, and my desire for aggression wouldn’t be satisfied until he was dead.


“It’s starting already, isn’t it boy?” he asked me. “You can feel your aggression getting stronger. I can see it in your eyes.”


He looked at Lucas, and he gave a mock look of compassion.


“I’ll tell you what I’ll do,” he began. “The antivirus is in a research lab on the other side of the facility. You might have a chance if you make it in time.”


Then he rushed out the door, and before anyone had time to move he’d shut and locked the door. There was a gunshot from outside the door, and it sounded like it hit something electronic.


Lucas rushed to my side, and Mr. Bosley ran to the door.


“Damn, he shot the electronic lock!” Mr. Bosley said. “It’ll take us a little while to get out.”


Lucas looked into my eyes as a tear slipped out of his.


“I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he said. “We’ll find the antivirus, and then we’ll get out of this mess. We’ll live long and healthy lives, just like we planned on.”


I nodded, a lump had formed in my throat.


And then I kissed him, and hoped it wouldn’t be for the last time.

Copyright © 1996-2022 Capcom; All Rights Reserved; Disclaimer: This story is fan fiction. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of the Resident Evil franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.<br />
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