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    Thorn Wilde
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Firsts - 2. Marcus

Simultaneously more depressing and less controversial than Jacob's story.

There aren’t many things in his life that Marcus can control, but he can control this.

‘Go on, then!’ he tells the boy before him. ‘Big, fat fucker like you shouldn’t have any trouble beating down a skinny twerp like me, eh? Get on with it!’ He smirks. ‘Or haven’t you got the bollocks for it?’

The kid is two years older than Marcus and twice his size, but now he looks uncertain. A schoolyard predator, he’s obviously not used to prey that talks back.

‘I know what you are,’ Marcus continues. ‘You’re a limp-dicked, pea-brained fucking twatwaffle, balls the size of peanuts, too fucking stupid and too much of a coward to come at me on equal terms. So get fucked!’

He has it down to a precise art. Using words to confuse, confound, control. The bullies don’t know how to deal with his quick wit, don’t know how to respond to his insults or threats. And in the rare instances where they don’t back down, Marcus can always leg it. Usually, he doesn’t have to. He stands his ground, arms crossed over his chest, waiting.

A slow clapping starts somewhere to his right and he turns his head. A fifteen-year-old whose name Marcus thinks might be Adam is stepping out of the crowd with an amused smile on his face. ‘Bravo! Well done!’ He stands next to Marcus and faces the bully. ‘You heard him, Bradley, fuck off.’

Marcus scowls at the boy next to him. He was handling the situation just fine on his own, thank you. Adam (Marcus is quite certain now that that is his name) smiles calmly. He’s about Marcus’s height, though less skinny. He’s staring down Bradley the bully, and then Bradley turns around and lumbers off like a bear who just got slapped on the nose. Adam turns to Marcus and grins.

‘Really, well fucking done. Bradley’s a fucking moron.’

Marcus narrows his eyes. ‘I didn’t need your help!’ he snarls.

‘Course you didn’t.’ Adam’s eyes are fixed to Marcus’s, his gaze piercing and unrelenting. ‘I’ve just been wanting to talk to you, is all. Seen you in church.’

Of course. Another fucking Catholic.

‘I hope you don’t think that means we have something in common,’ Marcus scoffs, looking away. ‘I only go cause my parents make me.’

‘Yeah, me too.’

Marcus shakes his head and turns his back. ‘I’ve got to go,’ he mutters, but Adam’s hand is suddenly on his shoulder.

‘Hang on! I’d like to talk to you more.’

Marcus shakes the hand off. ‘Fuck off!’

‘No.’ Adam’s voice is firm and calm and Marcus turns to face him again.

‘Look, I don’t know who you think you are or what you’re playing at, but I don’t do friends, all right? I like being on my own, and I don’t like people fucking me about, so just get stuffed, yeah?’

‘Who said anything about friends?’

The look Adam is giving him stirs something, somewhere. Something primal and undernourished and absolutely terrifying. Marcus takes one step back, licking his lips, and takes in Adam’s soft blond locks, brown eyes and lightly tanned face, and for the first time in his life he wants something.

‘Fuck off,’ he says again, and then he runs away. Because this is not something that he can control, and that terrifies him most of all.


* * *


One thing that Marcus can control is what he eats. For instance, when he gets home from school that day, he eats an apple, but he declines his mother’s offer of tea later on, claiming that he isn’t hungry. And he isn’t, really. He’s stopped feeling hunger, most of the time. He stays in his room for the rest of the afternoon, doing homework. At thirteen, Marcus already works hard at everything. It’s true, what he told Adam. He doesn’t really do friends. (Not since primary school. Ethan fucked off down south with his family when they were eleven, and though they promised to stay in touch, they haven’t spoken since.)

Which is why he’s so surprised when the telephone rings around six, and his mother shouts that it’s for him.

It’s Adam. He wants to meet up and hang out for a bit. Marcus is suspicious, but in the end he reluctantly agrees.

Marcus’s working class neighbourhood is not, perhaps, the safest, but he and Adam end up wandering around it anyway, just talking, breath misting in the chilly February night air. Adam tells him that he admires the way he deals with bullies. That words are so much more effective than fists, and that Marcus can go far with such strong rhetorical skills. Marcus laughs and calls him mental, but he can’t help but feel a slight swell of pride that someone seems to give a shit.

They stop at a vandalised and deserted playground and sit on the swings to have a smoke.

‘You’re very angry, aren’t you?’ It’s not really a question, but Adam seems to expect an answer all the same.

Marcus shrugs, dropping tobacco ash into the sand beneath the swing. ‘Don’t see how you’re not. Living in this piss town, nothing but Catholics and delinquents.’ He doesn’t go deeper, doesn’t let on about what goes on at home, but he has the distinct impression that Adam somehow knows anyway. The look he gets doesn’t feel like pity, but Marcus can’t be sure. ‘What do you want with me?’ he asks after a few moments, daring to meet Adam’s gaze.

Adam gives him a lopsided smile. ‘I like you,’ he says.

‘Why? I don’t like you.’

‘I know. That’s okay. You don’t like anyone.’

Marcus stands up, putting out his fag, and Adam follows suit, placing a hand on his shoulder.

‘If you don’t let go I’ll rip off your fucking arm and beat you to death with it,’ Marcus growls.

‘Not your best line,’ says Adam. His hand doesn’t go anywhere. Instead he looks around and, seeing no one, pushes Marcus back against the frame of the swing set and kisses him.

It’s the first time anyone has kissed Marcus, and he is so surprised he forgets to breathe at first. Then surprise is replaced with fury. This isn’t okay. This is something he should be able to control. He pushes Adam away with more strength than his skinny body should by rights be able to possess.

‘Fuck off, you poof!’ he shouts, and runs off home without another word.

When he gets there, his father is home, and drunk, and gives him an earful about being out late and how he should be doing his homework (which he has already finished). Marcus goes to bed, lying still in the darkness and trying to ignore the angry shouts from next door (‘How dare you let your son run around the neighbourhood at all hours? You’re such a useless bitch, wish I’d never married you, someone else might have been able to give me better children!’). He doesn’t cry. He never cries.


* * *


Several weeks pass before Marcus speaks to Adam again. In that time, he doesn’t go a single day without his mind wandering back to the incident in the playground. At first, he assumes this feeling in the pit of his stomach to be anger, disgust or fear, but when he wakes up for the third time in as many days with a sweaty brow and wet pants from dreams of Adam’s lips, he is forced to concede that he may have misinterpreted that feeling.

Then, one day in March, he sees Adam walking across the school yard and, before he’s properly aware of having done so, has grabbed him by the upper arm and is dragging him away over to the blue schoolyard fence, where he lets go and stares resolutely down at the ground.

Adam looks at him curiously, head cocked to one side. ‘Yes?’ he says, after a few moments’ silence.

Marcus raises his gaze to his eyes and glares at him angrily. ‘That thing,’ he says. ‘The thing that you did.’

Adam smirks. ‘You mean when I—’

‘Shut up!’ Marcus looks around nervously. ‘I want . . . I want to do that again. Not here!’ he hurries to add. ‘Just . . . And you don’t get to decide how or when or anything like that, it’s, I’m the one who—It’s got to be my choice. Just so we’re totally fucking clear about that.’

Adam nods slowly. ‘Yeah, all right. So, how and when?’ He pauses. ‘And where? You could come to my place.’


‘Yeah, sure. Tomorrow. After school.’

‘Okay.’ Marcus hesitates. ‘Bye.’

‘See you tomorrow.’


* * *


Adam’s house is bigger and nicer than Marcus’s. Adam has his own bedroom, which is impressive enough on its own in a family of six. He has two older brothers and one younger sister. The eldest of his brothers has gone away to university.

‘Go on, then,’ Adam says when they’re finally both sitting on his bed. ‘You came here for a reason, didn’t you?’

Marcus only hesitates for a moment. Then he leans in and plants his lips on Adam’s. He pushes the older boy back into the pillows and climbs on top of him, testing everything. Adam’s lips are fuller and softer than his own. When they open, his teeth are slightly crooked, and Marcus can feel it with his tongue. Adam’s tongue is long and wet and very warm. His mouth is hot and tastes sweet. Marcus doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but the response he gets is encouraging. Adam puts his arms around his waist and draws him down towards him, kissing him back. It feels good.

When Marcus begins to move his hips against him, Adam breaks the kiss and laughs. ‘Whoa, there. Slow up.’

Marcus sits up and glares down at him. ‘What for?’

Adam grins and shakes his head. ‘Jesus, I fucking love Catholic boys . . . So repressed, starved, up for fucking anything.’

You’re a Catholic boy,’ Marcus reminds him.

‘Yeah, but I’m not typical.’

‘Neither am I!’

‘No need to get defensive, I’m just saying.’

Marcus hesitates. ‘You’ve . . . done this before then, have you?’

‘Well, yeah. You didn’t think you were the first boy I’ve kissed, did you?’

‘Of course I fucking didn’t!’ Marcus crosses his arms and stares at the wall. ‘How many?’

‘Loads,’ Adam tells him nonchalantly.

Marcus glances sideways at him. ‘And, more than kissing?’

‘Some.’ Adam sits up as well. ‘I’m not gonna do that to you, though.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because you’re fucking thirteen, you stupid little twat.’ Adam smiles.

‘I’ll be fourteen soon.’

‘Yeah, and I’ll be sixteen. I’ll still be way older than you, and I’ll be in college.’

‘Anyway,’ Marcus huffs, ‘I’d be the one doing the doing, fuckwit.’

Adam smirks at him and ruffles his hair. ‘That so?’

‘Yeah. No one’s gonna fuck me.’

‘Why do you have to be in charge all the fucking time?’ Adam asks.

Marcus shrugs.

Adam presses on. ‘You seriously need to relax. Let go. Stop trying to control everything and let shit happen.’



* * *


That turns out to be a lie. About half a year later, Adam invites him along to a party at a friend’s house. It’s the first time Marcus drinks. He doesn’t really want to, because of what happens when his dad drinks, but everyone else is doing it, and everyone cool is here. So Marcus drinks.

And he loves it. He loves how it enables him to so completely not give a fuck. And so he drinks more, and he smokes a lot of cigarettes, and talks to cool people, and feels like a cool person. Then Adam drags him aside, into an empty, dark bedroom, and they snog for a good while. Adam asks him to suck him off. Marcus says no at first, but he does it anyway.

It’s the first time Marcus sucks dick. It’s not very pleasant. Adam comes down his throat, and Marcus, very drunk at this point, vomits all over the carpet. Adam does not reciprocate.

Marcus will never think of what happened in that bedroom as non-consensual, and will claim with his dying breath that he was in full control of his faculties, but a permanent stain in someone’s bedroom carpet will proclaim otherwise. Marcus just never really thinks about it, but it’s the last time he speaks to Adam, and the last time he touches another boy in nearly two years.


* * *


Marcus meets Julian in college. Julian has wide, blue eyes and dark, curly hair. He’s a bit older, but much smaller than Marcus—lithe and graceful and adorable—and Marcus allows himself to think that Julian is the most gorgeous human being he’s ever seen. Within a couple of months, he’s completely fucking soppy about him, and they’ve barely spoken two words to one another. They only have Maths together. All Julian’s A-levels are sciences, while Marcus is taking Social Studies and English and History.

Still, he’s infatuated. He fantasises about Julian, imagines his stupidly wide blue eyes and his red lips as he comes. He’s never wanted anyone this badly before, and that scares the shit out of him. He’d be willing to lose control, if it was for Julian.

He’s given the opportunity to do just that at a party in November. There is alcohol involved, and then, somehow, when the party’s over some time around two in the morning, he finds himself alone with Julian, standing outside in the freezing cold air. Julian doesn’t have a jacket. Feeling like the hero in some stupid fucking rom-com, Marcus offers him his and asks which way he’s going.

Turns out Julian’s house is on the way to Marcus’s. What luck.

’This isn’t a good neighbourhood to walk home alone in,’ Julian tells him when they’re outside his house, taking off Marcus’s jacket and handing it back to him. They’ve barely spoken during the whole ten minute walk. ‘Why don’t you kip at the end of my bed or something?’

They’re both drunk. That’s Marcus’s excuse when kipping at the end of Julian’s bed turns into sleeping almost naked, pressed up against his back with his lips in Julian’s hair. When they wake up the next morning and kiss drowsily for a full ten minutes, Marcus has run out of excuses. He also has no good excuse for telling Julian that he’s the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen and that he’s wanted to kiss him since the first time he saw him.

Marcus never thought that his first time would involve him on his back, and a boy much shorter than him fucking him senseless while whispering to him to keep quiet. But that’s what happens. Julian clearly knows what he’s doing, and though it’s awkward and Marcus doesn’t really know how to behave, and it hurts quite a bit, it also feels amazing. Julian is fucking amazing, and Marcus is totally, utterly in love.

He surrenders himself completely. He throws caution to the wind, and lets himself get carried away by this boy. He feels lucky, and happy, and in love, and he’s never felt so good before.

Which is why he crashes all the harder when, a few weeks later, Julian rejects him. In a moment of post-coital insanity, Marcus tells Julian that he loves him, and Julian laughs at him. He laughs. ‘Fuck off, Marcus!’ he says. ‘We’ve just been having fun, haven’t we? I mean, for fuck’s sake! If I loved every guy I’ve shagged, I’d have at least ten boyfriends at any given time!’

Marcus breaks, then. He feels himself shatter to a million fucking pieces, and suddenly he just wants to hurt Julian. Wants to beat him, or rape him, even, make him his bitch. He wants to show him that he can’t do this to him, can’t treat him like this, and those thoughts scare him more than anything else ever has before.

So instead he shouts at Julian that he’s a fucking cunt, and that if he ever so much as tries to talk to him again, Marcus will tear off his fucking cock and stuff it in his ear and then fuck him with a fucking shovel. Then he runs away, and promises himself that he’s never going to let himself love anyone else ever again. Many years later, he’ll realise what an incredible coincidence it is that the only other two people he’s ever allowed himself to love also have names that start with the letter J, and wonder if maybe this is some kind of subconscious fucking manifestation of his still-broken heart. Soon after, he will dismiss the thought and decide that he’s being a whiny pussy and should pull himself together, and never think of it again.

Over the course of the next couple of years, Marcus shags a number of people, most of them strangers, and he’s the one doing the doing, just like he told Adam he would be those years ago. He holds them down, and he fucks them, and he enjoys the feeling of control, of being in charge, and he promises never to let anyone dominate him again. This he can control. His cock, and his heart. (Ironically, once he gets to university, where it’s much easier to find willing, experienced boys, he will be almost celibate—aside from a couple of drunken and rather anonymous encounters, one of which turns out to be a girl, during fresher’s week—until his final year.)


* * *


The first time Marcus stands up to his father is only a couple of weeks after Julian dumps him. It’s a Thursday, and his dad comes home as drunk as ever, shouting and swearing and making demands. When Marcus ignores him, Brian Allen advances on him, yelling that he wishes Marcus had never been born, and that his mother is such a useless cunt for not being able to give him any more children.

It is then, faced with this wild-eyed, screaming lunatic, that Marcus realises that he’s taller than this man now. He’s bigger, and he can shout just as loud, and he is so fucking done with being anyone’s bitch.

‘Don’t you dare have a fucking go at Ma!’

Marcus’s father is so taken aback by this outburst that he falls silent at once.

‘She has always done her best, and she’s done everything you’ve asked, and it’s not her fucking fault that she can’t have more kids! You, on the other hand, you’re just a fucking bully; a self-serving, alcoholic cunt who has to verbally abuse women and kids to make himself feel good! Does it make you feel like a big man? Does it? Well, fuck you, and if you so much as look at her wrong again in my presence, so help me I will eat you up and sick you back out you pathetic little man!’

His dad stands there, in the middle of the kitchen, opening and closing his mouth like some parody of a fish, before he shuffles off to bed and falls asleep almost immediately. The incident is never mentioned again, and Marcus doesn’t have to explode like that again until nearly a year later when his father has apparently forgotten about the first time and tries to shout his son into submission again. It does not work.

When it becomes time for Marcus to leave for university, his father hugs him awkwardly and tells him to call his mother often, but that he doesn’t need to see him outside of Christmas, and for the summer holidays he had better get himself a job. Marcus agrees to these terms. He is indifferent to the old fucker now. He doesn’t matter to him one bit. Nothing really does, anymore.

Did you love it? Hate it? Tell me why!
Copyright © 2013 Thorn Wilde; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Wow... Okay... First to review this chapter? Lovely...


Let me just explain where I'm coming from... New to this site... I love this site's premise of having a live/direct interaction between author and reader...


Your story was recommended by someone in the author's chat room... I read the first chapter of this book and as mentioned in my prior review the f* bomb in the opening paragraph threw me off...


In contrast, this chapter had its dose of f* bombs as well, but most of these were within quotation marks. So yeah... A hell of a lot more palatable... The written piece as a whole can definitely relax the traditional rules (subject-verb agreement, keeping the tense structure, etc.) when the "rule breaking" is done in dialogue as it clearly paints a picture of the character and not the author...


There was one f* bomb that was kinda "forgivable" to me... And I made sure to note it since I had "drafted" this review as I was reading it...

"Of course. Another fucking Catholic."

I considered it "forgivable" since I could almost see it coming as the character's internal dialogue... Some might consider this (my justification) a shift in narratives as in 3rd person to 1st person... Such editors would not be as forgiving... I would know... I just battled my editor offsite for one of the pieces I'm submitting for paid publishing... (One flippin tense shift... Accidental, I swear... Lucky he isn't here, so I'm more free to vent...)


I'm writing this not just for the purpose of reading this as the author... Reviews are public here so I'm also keeping in mind that there might be an author "lurking" in the midst and just writing for journal purposes... That was me once...


Just throwing it out there... I understand that you're not apologetic of dropping f* bombs, but the author traditions and all... I understand that there are pre-teens whose language can make a sailor blush... F* bombs within a strict narrative (esp the opening paragraph) can leave an unpleasant taste...


Okay... 4AM local time... I need to make a three-way with my pillow, my blanket, and myself... ;)

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On 09/27/2013 06:17 PM, JBLuv78 said:
Wow... Okay... First to review this chapter? Lovely...


Let me just explain where I'm coming from... New to this site... I love this site's premise of having a live/direct interaction between author and reader...


Your story was recommended by someone in the author's chat room... I read the first chapter of this book and as mentioned in my prior review the f* bomb in the opening paragraph threw me off...


In contrast, this chapter had its dose of f* bombs as well, but most of these were within quotation marks. So yeah... A hell of a lot more palatable... The written piece as a whole can definitely relax the traditional rules (subject-verb agreement, keeping the tense structure, etc.) when the "rule breaking" is done in dialogue as it clearly paints a picture of the character and not the author...


There was one f* bomb that was kinda "forgivable" to me... And I made sure to note it since I had "drafted" this review as I was reading it...

"Of course. Another fucking Catholic."

I considered it "forgivable" since I could almost see it coming as the character's internal dialogue... Some might consider this (my justification) a shift in narratives as in 3rd person to 1st person... Such editors would not be as forgiving... I would know... I just battled my editor offsite for one of the pieces I'm submitting for paid publishing... (One flippin tense shift... Accidental, I swear... Lucky he isn't here, so I'm more free to vent...)


I'm writing this not just for the purpose of reading this as the author... Reviews are public here so I'm also keeping in mind that there might be an author "lurking" in the midst and just writing for journal purposes... That was me once...


Just throwing it out there... I understand that you're not apologetic of dropping f* bombs, but the author traditions and all... I understand that there are pre-teens whose language can make a sailor blush... F* bombs within a strict narrative (esp the opening paragraph) can leave an unpleasant taste...


Okay... 4AM local time... I need to make a three-way with my pillow, my blanket, and myself... ;)

I think that what we have here is a case of culture clash. Not that fuck isn't a bad word on this side of the pond as well, but it isn't, perhaps, AS bad. People are a bit more... pragmatic about swearing over here.


I've made a very conscious choice to write in an extremely limited third person point of view. That is to say that I use the narrative to describe my characters' thoughts just shy of going into first person.


In a sense, you've jumped in at the middle. Chronologically, these are the earliest meetings with Jacob and Marcus, but they're part five of a series of which four stories have yet to be published. I began this whole thing as an exercise in creative swearing. That's what it was for. But before I knew it, these two had me by the proverbials and what was supposed to be one very sweary short story became one very sweary trilogy of short stories, and then there came an epilogue, and then these prequels, and now four sequel shorts (three of which are mostly finished).


As for author traditions... I'm not much one for traditions in general. I suppose one might call me a bit of an anarchist, or a subversive artist, if you will. I will break the rules, and I will pull people out of their comfort zones because that is, in my opinion, what art is for. ;)

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I can never hate Marcus, he's so sweet and nice in the most fucked up way. The "J" thing explains enough about his reluctance to go out with Jacob.

So what's next? Would there be seconds? Or a glimpse at Marcus and Jacob in the future and comfortable in their relationship with a kid or two?

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On 09/27/2013 08:40 PM, nostic said:
I can never hate Marcus, he's so sweet and nice in the most fucked up way. The "J" thing explains enough about his reluctance to go out with Jacob.

So what's next? Would there be seconds? Or a glimpse at Marcus and Jacob in the future and comfortable in their relationship with a kid or two?

Sweet and nice, huh? That's one way of putting it, I suppose. ;) You'll just have to wait and see. The next instalment is with Sasha right now. I can promise that it'll be a lot less depressing than this, in any case. :P Thank you so much for reading and reviewing and being awesome! :)
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Little strong, but I don't have a problem reading your stories, Thorne. I'm just hoping you aren't your main character in real life :P He's a terrible little dude, any way you look at him, or however you look at him. Like a walking firework. You light him, and curses a bluestreak. lol. Pretty damn entertaining tho! :funny:

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Knowing Marcus' past now, I can certainly understand why he's not big on relationships or trusting and why he needs to feel he's in total control of everything.


As he told his father, his father was a bully, a drunkard, and growing up, Marcus didn't have any control over what his father did or said and he couldn't control how his father acted towards his mother.


When he finally realized he was taller than his father and he didn't need to stand there and take his shit anymore, he felt better - more in control.


When Marcus was with Julien, he totally lost control of his feelings. Julien may have been beautiful and small and whatever, but he wasn't nice to Marcus. Laughing in someone's face when confess their feelings to you is really mean. And then throwing in all the other guys he's screwed around with is just sticking the knife deeper in Marcus' back. No wonder Marcus swore off relationships and love. Julien was the worst person he could have been with for his first time.


Marcus buried himself in studying, which he could easily control. He constantly needs to be in control of every situation in his life. He can never just let go and relax, as Adam said. Hey, at least he didn't cut. A lot of kids cut b/c it's the only thing they have control over in their lives. It's very sad.


I can see now how Marcus and Jacob's relationship would benefit the both of them. Marcus is in total control of "hurting" Jacob physically and that's what Jacob needs. They are meant for each other. lol


Great two fucking chapters, Thorn! lol :2thumbs:

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On 09/28/2013 04:57 AM, joann414 said:
Little strong, but I don't have a problem reading your stories, Thorne. I'm just hoping you aren't your main character in real life :P He's a terrible little dude, any way you look at him, or however you look at him. Like a walking firework. You light him, and curses a bluestreak. lol. Pretty damn entertaining tho! :funny:
Nah, I'm not really like that. I mean, I've certainly got a temper, and I obviously know how to swear with the best of them, but I like to think I'm somewhat less damaged than Marcus. ;) I'm happy that you're entertained! :D
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On 09/29/2013 12:32 PM, Lisa said:
Knowing Marcus' past now, I can certainly understand why he's not big on relationships or trusting and why he needs to feel he's in total control of everything.


As he told his father, his father was a bully, a drunkard, and growing up, Marcus didn't have any control over what his father did or said and he couldn't control how his father acted towards his mother.


When he finally realized he was taller than his father and he didn't need to stand there and take his shit anymore, he felt better - more in control.


When Marcus was with Julien, he totally lost control of his feelings. Julien may have been beautiful and small and whatever, but he wasn't nice to Marcus. Laughing in someone's face when confess their feelings to you is really mean. And then throwing in all the other guys he's screwed around with is just sticking the knife deeper in Marcus' back. No wonder Marcus swore off relationships and love. Julien was the worst person he could have been with for his first time.


Marcus buried himself in studying, which he could easily control. He constantly needs to be in control of every situation in his life. He can never just let go and relax, as Adam said. Hey, at least he didn't cut. A lot of kids cut b/c it's the only thing they have control over in their lives. It's very sad.


I can see now how Marcus and Jacob's relationship would benefit the both of them. Marcus is in total control of "hurting" Jacob physically and that's what Jacob needs. They are meant for each other. lol


Great two fucking chapters, Thorn! lol :2thumbs:

Excellent analysis of Marcus. It's true, Julian was pretty much the worst thing that could have happened to him at that point in his life. Just imagine how much better Marcus's life could have been if his first had been someone sweet and kind who reciprocated his feelings. Then again, had that happened Marcus wouldn't have been half as fun to write. :P


You're right that he didn't cut, but his eating compulsions do border on anorexia. Nothing to do with body image, but it's another thing he can control, what he puts in his body, and it ends up being very little. He eats the bare minimum of what he needs in order to make it through the day, and sometimes he doesn't even do that and compensates with caffeine. That, in its own way, is just as bad as cutting, even if it doesn't leave as visible marks, and is a habit he retains well into adulthood.


Marcus and Jacob are very well suited to each other even if it may not seem that way at first glance. They just kind of work, as a unit. Based on that, it was remarkably easy to go back in time and look at their pasts. It just seemed very clear what their respective childhoods must have been like. Jacob, all in all quite blessed where family is concerned with parents who care about him and a friendly big sister, but ultimately just kind of screwed up. Marcus, who had such potential for becoming a loving, kind person, ruined by his father and the company he keeps growing up. Of the two, Marcus was always, underneath it all, the more romantic, even if Jacob is the more passionate. More of this explored in the upcoming sequel stories. ;)


Thanks so much for reading and reviewing and being awesome! <3

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Between Lisa's review and your reply I find myself at a loss to add too much of anything constructive. Perhaps an observation wouldn't go amiss.


This background story leads me to re-examine everything I thought I knew or had figured out about Marcus and his behavior. I have never been able to make a true connection as to why Marcus behaves as Marcus behaves. Sure home-life, experiences growing up and where you live all have a reflection in whom each of us becomes as an adult but these are all supposed things. We attach them willy-nilly to anyone that exhibits ant-social behavior. There is an underlying reality in this chapter of his life. Marcus is so very vulnerable on the inside. Everything outside of this is defense mechanism. All of it carefully, perhaps unconsciously and rationally crafted, or constructed if you will, to protect that vulnerability. After all, if nothing can get in…


I accept this to be my conjecture, that this may not be your intent to portray Marcus in such a light but this is what I draw out of this chapter.


Well done once again, Thorn.

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On 10/08/2013 12:08 PM, Ron said:
Between Lisa's review and your reply I find myself at a loss to add too much of anything constructive. Perhaps an observation wouldn't go amiss.


This background story leads me to re-examine everything I thought I knew or had figured out about Marcus and his behavior. I have never been able to make a true connection as to why Marcus behaves as Marcus behaves. Sure home-life, experiences growing up and where you live all have a reflection in whom each of us becomes as an adult but these are all supposed things. We attach them willy-nilly to anyone that exhibits ant-social behavior. There is an underlying reality in this chapter of his life. Marcus is so very vulnerable on the inside. Everything outside of this is defense mechanism. All of it carefully, perhaps unconsciously and rationally crafted, or constructed if you will, to protect that vulnerability. After all, if nothing can get in…


I accept this to be my conjecture, that this may not be your intent to portray Marcus in such a light but this is what I draw out of this chapter.


Well done once again, Thorn.

I think you're pretty much spot on, Ron. That is more or less exactly what I was going for. Marcus is terrified of allowing himself to love. He had trust issues to begin with, due to his relationship with his parents. That made the betrayal doubly worse. So he constructs his wall, hides his humanity away and becomes, properly, the angry, bitter fuck we meet in Soft.


Thank you for reading, and for leaving your comments. They're always much appreciated. :)

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Our relationships with our parents impact our relationships with others in so many ways. I completely understand Marcus' behavior and have always related to him in many ways. Superb craft, thanks.

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On 10/29/2013 01:06 AM, Miles Long said:
Our relationships with our parents impact our relationships with others in so many ways. I completely understand Marcus' behavior and have always related to him in many ways. Superb craft, thanks.
I'm glad you can relate to Marcus. I have a feeling not everyone could. Personally, while we come from completely different backgrounds and had completely different childhoods, I empathise a lot with Marcus, who had the potential to be such a compassionate, romantic person and had all that ripped away from him. Thank you so much! :)
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Wow. I was already on Marcus side but having just read that I'm so much more there now. For me the absolute best thing is that you've thrown this chapter in at this point which is a real stroke of genius. Had anyone read this first up they would have immediately sympathised with Marcus and sailed through the f trilogy. However, reading the trilody first gave us the chance to make our own judgement. I think most fell in love with J & M despite or perhaps because they were so far left field they were in a different paddock. Least now we know some of the why and I have a good excuse for feeling the way I do about loving this story. So I'm not a warped fucker, just an astute judge of character :P. Thanks again for yet another piece of inspired writing. :)  

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On 5/26/2020 at 2:33 PM, Goodie said:

Wow. I was already on Marcus side but having just read that I'm so much more there now. For me the absolute best thing is that you've thrown this chapter in at this point which is a real stroke of genius. Had anyone read this first up they would have immediately sympathised with Marcus and sailed through the f trilogy. However, reading the trilody first gave us the chance to make our own judgement. I think most fell in love with J & M despite or perhaps because they were so far left field they were in a different paddock. Least now we know some of the why and I have a good excuse for feeling the way I do about loving this story. So I'm not a warped fucker, just an astute judge of character :P. Thanks again for yet another piece of inspired writing. :)  

Thank you for reading it! :) Yeah, it was a very conscious decision not to change the order of the series and put this as part one after I'd written it, something I could have done. As I said in a comment above, it's chronologically the beginning, but I think the stories before are required for context. When I published my book with these stories in it, I also placed these two chapters in the same place.

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