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    Never give up, never surrender!
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    Fantasy, Satisfactory Resolutions, Humor, Drama, Action/Adventure

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  1. I'm only irate during lunar cycles. 🤔Especially if I ran out of my secret chocolate stash.
  2. Thirdly

    Tired Prompts

    I should just make a list of random plot bunnies that I can't work on while I struggle with the societies of the plot bunnies I am working on. 😂
  3. Thirdly

    Item Prompts

    Pt 206: "My name is Saute, and I was once a world-renown chef until a rival chef poisoned the meal I served to high political figure. Unable to live with such a besmirched name, I committed suicide by eating several ghost peppers at once. But, my passion for cooking has transcended time and space itself and I shall now train you in the art of true cuisine!"
  4. Thirdly

    Random Yummy Tea

    ...but what was the tea?
  5. Thirdly

    Ginger Lemon Tea

    It was the only tea available where I was staying for a while.
  6. Thirdly

    Maca Chai

    Sounds good.
  7. Thirdly

    Ginger Lemon Tea

    And here I've only been drinking chamomile for the last 6 days.
  8. Thirdly

    The Blood Orchid

    Interesting is one way to put it, yes.
  9. Thirdly

    Gifting Day

    ..and it looks like I might have to spam old readers with updates. For the most edited version, you can read the tapas version if things become too confusing.
  10. Thirdly

    Gifting Day

    They do have one every year. It is a graduation for Omegas, so they are all 18-19 during each Gifting Day. Carnelia is not in the millions population-wise, maybe 300-400 thousand at best, but that is plenty to fill a graduating class every year (remember that the boys are a rarity and some couples have downright litters). Several families moved there from other regions, yes.
  11. The look on Shael's face when he realized the salamander had been the one to steal his stole was priceless. Azar had no doubt that he'd survive the fall. Why would the goddess Nut order him to do such a thing if it killed his fellow elemental? Wasn't Farshael the ultimate favorite of the gods? The thought brought back a tiny surge of envy in Azar, something he thought he had grown out of. But could anyone blame him? Shael was the fastest flier. That made him the popular choice for th
  12. Both are fine. I personally use chapter titles so I can remember where to find certain scenes or where I left off at. But, it's more for me than for readers.
  13. Update: She has been found! I had even named her "My Fair Lady" 😂 She is safe and sound in Pokemon Home now.
  14. I loved that Night Before xmas version! 🤣
  15. 🤣 We found the location of the cartridge of the game where it MIGHT be found. But, I will verify for sure this Saturday. So, to be continued!
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